Quiet Night Out...

Tonight I'm going out for an Indian with some friends.
Its been half term and all of us have been far too busy to see eachother, so tonight is the night. After monday night's illness in town, I have decided that i'm not going to drink and instead I shall let the others have the drinking fun! Because of this, I have decided to not dress up too much but instead be confortable. I am wearing a friends Topshop leather jacket, Topshop silk coral/pink block colour blouse, Dorothy Perkins leggins and Dorothy Perkins *new buy* platformed heel ankle boots. The necklace is my favourite part, I got it for my birthday back in January from a friend and I never thought that it would be the kind of thing that I would wear as I prefer plain necklaces, but because of my block colours tonight, I thought that the necklace should come out :)

Last Autumn Drive With The Roof Down

Summer has officially gone, within half an hour of taking this picture, the leaves were no longer casually floating along in the wind, but instead soaked by the heavy rain and everything around had turned into massive drowning puddles. Atleast we enjoyed it whilst it lasted.

"Artful Lodgers"

My sister, the ever wonderful Georgia Artus has set up a workshop called 'Artful Lodgers'. This is to join up with her 'Changing Spaces' new initiative which has been developed by Cambridge City Council in partnership with the Love Cambridge scheme. The idea is that all people can be creative in different ways and this level of creativity should be increased on a day to day basis. Whether it is doodling on a piece of paper whilst having a break from work or painting a huge abstract painting of whatever comes into your mind, the idea is that everyone should be creative!!!
Georgia has held many workshops at 'The Shop XVIII Jesus Lane'; this is a place that brings together Cambridge’s creative community by providing a space visual and performing art and design.
'The aim of ‘The Shop’ is to provide a forum where members of the local community can meet, share ideas, support artwork in progress and make new contacts in an informal and inclusive environment.'
'Artful Lodgers' also work with the young people from the YMCA, otherwise known as the Young Men's Christian Association, dedicated to looking after and supporting the young people, particularly in their times of need. I have met a few of the members and they have all been really nice people, who are willing to get into working with others and create some amazing art. Their message was to show people how discriminated against they are, so their artwork focused on who they are and what kind of lives they lead. In one of the pieces of art, the girl had written about how she shouldnt be judged on the area she lives in, but instead how she lives her life in that area, proving to people that her creative imagination is just as useful as anyone else's.
I was even told by one girl, that sometimes she is unable to get out  a DVD from the well known movie rental store 'Blockbuster', because they do not have a house of their own to live in and apparently the YMCA is not a good enough location to be put down as their accomodation when applying for a Blockbuster card. I was unbelievably shocked by this and was really interested in getting more involved to make sure that people realise how hard life must be for these young people.
Today 'Artful Lodgers' were filmed by ITV Fixers Programme, I was invited along to help and unfortunately was dragged into the filming whilst producing a collage with my sister and her friend Hannah. Our collage was done quickly, to show how our imagination and ideas were changing rapidly; our idea was to show the colourfulness in your life when you are creative and how your life can seem black and white when you are not creative enough. We put the sentence, "I dont think people take messing around seriously enough" on it, which was made up by my sister and the contradiction of whats being said was loved by the whole film crew so it had to go on there!
After the workshop the artwork was put into the window of the store 'Mr Shoes' in Market Square along with work from local celebrated artist Anji Jackson-Main. Everyone is welcome to take a look :)

Twilight New Moon Fashion Collection

Although its unbelievably similar to the High School Musical kids collection sold in the Disney Store, I still love the idea! After browsing over InStyle.com I found this past 'First Look' article about the clothes that came to Nordstorm Stores in October. They are to promote the New Moon movie thats coming out in November and quite frankly I CANNOT WAIT. I am a major fan...I even got bought an extra large poster by one of my friends in London  because as soon as they saw it, they thought of me! Unfortunately my boyfriend can sometimes be the jealous type (although in a funny way) so I thought I should probably keep it down to save his sense of security :) But definately tell me what you think, maybe its just me as I think that they are very 5 year old and below age limited...although the thought of supporting anything to do with  'Edward' otherwise known as Robert Pattinson is always a good thing!!!

'Check out InStyle.com's exclusive sneak peek at select items from the Nordstrom Twilight Saga: New Moon collection, which includes everything from tops and tunic dresses (by apparel company Awake) to jewelry and key chains—all inspired by the best-selling vampire series.'

Got a lace feeling???

All I can say is WOW...and maybe also I WANT THEM...
These are a pair Christian Louboutin gorgeous heels called The Ronda Dina Lace Platform Pumps, and they are to die for. Unfortunately I would never have the money to afford them with them being $1.040,02 in the USA. But hopefully someone in the world will be owning these beautiful shoes and using them well :)

Michael Lohan

So we all know that Lindsay hasnt been in the best shape recently, but this is nothing in comparison to her father, who's bad name has now become even worse. He had a four year sentence for stock fraud after working in Wall Street, then was prevented from seeing his children after probation violation, and then later after his dovorce was finalised between him and Dina, media reports came out that he had been physically abusing Dina and sent her many threats since she split with him. Now he said some words that a daughter will never forget - "She needs long-term rehab. I fear the worst. Look at Elvis, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger - who was a close friend of hers. It could be a year, a month, a week - who knows? She has a plethora of medicine you can’t mix and can’t drink with." Who would ever even want to think about the death of their child? No matter how much of a bad condition they are in, surely you would want to be helping them to get better rather than think the worst...??? Fair enough it is unfortunate that his only way of communication with his children is through the media, but if that was me then I would most definately be saying nice things, even if I had a daughter like Lindsay. What do you think?

My Boyfriends Garden on a Pretty day :)

I love the way that the sun is trying so hard to shine through and not let the house roof tops let it block it out!

I thought the way that the branches have fallen, makes it look like a heart :)

Old fashioned look with the sun peeking through the trees behind.

His mums gorgeous curved trees with the dark sky behind emphasising the suns glow.

The special boy himself, cooking me dinner after work. We had my favourite dish which i love when he makes it - Pasta :) He is P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

New Favourite Advert :)

Whats better than a cheery french woman called Brigitte Bardot singing 'Moi, Je Joue' translating to mean 'Me, I play' whilst the beautiful Maryna Linchuk is dancing around in the sun in a gorgeous light pink dress from Dior which is pulled in at the waist and has an interesting layering effect of the material on the front matched with a high neck to add that little extra length...???

It just the little things that help to brighten my day, seeing people happy and dancing in the sun is perfect thing for me to have a positive attitude to the day. I hope everyone else agrees :)

Garance Dore...

The french blogger known as 'garance dore' wrote today about the blonde women that are surrounding her at the moment, everyone seems to feel that now the sun has gone in, then they must now replace that darkness they see all around for that platinum blonde colour that supposedly brightens each day. Its an interesting view, going along with the stereotypical idea that 'blondes have more fun', and in some ways I think that she agrees. The way she speaks is almost as if the colour of her hair changes her attitude to life, like when someone uses hair dye it can make them see through different eyes. When she talks about one of the pictues of a cropped blonde haired girl she says 'Aaaah la la. This is giving me goosebumps', the happy idea that something so simple about a person can create such emotions such as fear or awe. As i'm a blonde, some people may say that I am biased. But infact im blonde because of awe, the google defintion of awe is 'an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration', and because I have an older sister who forever looks glamourous even when shes just woken up, when I was younger I thought that looking like her would make me happier. These thoughts came back to me when reader Garance dore's blog.
I want to find out if these ideas of changing your hair colour will change you as a person, so after Christmas when most of the coldness has gone and it should start to get nicer, then im going brown. Not to my natural mousy brown colour, but instead a dark chocolate type. I havent had brown hair since I was thirteen or fourteen, and I thought that seeing myself look so different to how I have got use to, would maybe change me as a person, in a good way or not, I won't know until then. But sometimes people loving you for how you want to be or how you would like to see yourself, can actually be better than the person you are at the time.
Because understanding peoples 'awe' can actually have good outcomes.

Secret favourite places to be shared...

For anyone that knows me, they will know that I am a thinker. Sometimes a bit too much into detail. So much so that I confuse myself and have to start from scratch. And because of this being one of my many annoying habits, I find that losing myself in a favourite place has become a common part of my life.  Often when living life in the city, I like to take time out and wander just fifteen minutes down the road to Grantchester.  Not the well known 'Gratchester Meadows' where various ridiculous young parties went ahead, but instead following along the dog walking pathway from Bidwells Building Soceity down to the Grantchester Bryon's Pool Local Nature Reserve.
All I need is a pre-selected play list on my old school ipod of classic bands such as The Smiths, or the new comback's Temper Track, and im ready to go.  A camera is occasionally brought along so that I can capture the beautiful surroundings and also help me remember the exact thoughts I had whilst walking through the forest, day or night.

Beautiful Beautiful Money...

Whilst in my past few blogs I have written about clothes and the inability to buy them, this one is different, although it still involves money, I am focusing on something far less temporary, concentrating on the permanent grandeur of a piece of inspiring architecture.

This well known piece of architecture is otherwise known as Cambridge University Branch of Lloyds Bank. After a little bit of research, I've found out that it was built in 1891 by an architect called Waterhouse. It is a clock tower and spire which has turned into one of Cambridge's well known landmarks in the centre of town.

The use of bright white lights coming from every angle of the ceiling, was an instant standing out point for me, walking in through the dark old fashioned doors of the building, from the sun lit outside and realising that when I collect my money I am actually in a beautiful distraction of a building. I actually spent about 15 minutes looking upwards and taking pictures in shock of how beautiful it is before I eventually collected my money.

If you get a chance, then i definately advise that you go have a look...

Man Up...

*Topshop AVA Shiny Lace Up Hiker Boots*

At £95, although above my usual price limit, when I saw a pair of high laced boots being worn by Lindsay Lohan, I thought they were definately worth the effort heading into town just to try them on! Once walking into Topshop's shoe lounge and seeing the size 5 Hiker Boots presented so goreously on the top of a black shoestand, the sales women could tell I wanted the other boot without me even having to ask. I loved loved loved them so much, and however unsual they are in comparison to my unual style, they looked really nice with the Kate Moss £22 White Stripe Vest and some cute little 'Premium Denim Shorts' for £40.

Unusually, this was just a window shopping trip (which kills me to say) and a chance to take a look at the gorgeous Boots i had been dreaming about for days and days. But next pay day I will certainly be looking for a pair of ankle boots or a type of hiker boots to 'man up' on my girlie appearance. I have a traditionally non daring look, but sometimes when one item of clothes or an accessory stands out to me then i must atleast try it on to see how I could incorporate it into my wardrobe, and these are definately one of those items.

The use of gold, iceskating tie up like clasps on either side of the laces allows my imagination to go back to childhood, when you could not wear high boots without thick socks underneath and obviously shown over the top. Now this seems to be a style thats back in, and especially over winter time, I would not mind wearing an extra layer of iceskating socks or two.


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