18 vs. 21.

Today it was my belated birthday meal with the family and friends, but to add to the excitement, it was also my sisters birthday meal. My sister and I have the same birthday but three years apart so we thought we would have a big meal in a private room at one of our favourite restaurants and bring along a hand picked selection of friends and family. My sister lives in Edinburgh so it was SO nice to have her back here with us and especially for an occasion like this. The day was, as far as i'm concerned one of the best i've ever had, I was surrounded by the most important people in my life and I could not have gone any better. Everyone seemed so happy and I felt proud to know all of them.

We got onto the topic of what age is infact better and I thought I would ask you all...Are the advantages of being 18 and better than the advantages of being 21? I think YES
Buy cigarettes. Buy alcohol. Go Clubbing. Go to a strip club. Gambling. Ability to vote. Join the army. Get married. Buy adult movies. Get a credit card.
You can teach someone to drive as long as you have had your license for at least three years. Legal drinking age in the States
I wore...Topshop Sale Dress £8 - this dress is from before this season sale began and I bought it with the intention of completely changing it. When I got it, it had horrible see through sleeves, with the same pattern as on the front of the dress and they made it look like a dress from the 1940's! Myself and my mother worked away to carefully unpin the stitching and then she sewed it together to make sure that it was in line. I now love this dress and everyone said how lovely it look especially with the waisted area in the middle which accentuated my curves (which of course the boy adored). And as shown to the side I wore my birthday Faith Heels £27, featured in a previous post, that coincidentally went perfectly with the dress because of the bright colours.
Here's some pictures from the day, which unfortunately Milly from http://www.mlle-milly.blogspot.com/ could not come to due to illness :/ and Alice from http://lovebeau.blogspot.com/ because of work.
Two Best Friends. Lucie in a gorgeous cream lace Topshop dress.
Me and the boy ( very hungover )
My Sister and I with our cakes - had them since we were born.

VIP Aussie Hair Care Event

All pictures from Hannah ( http://www.london--rose.blogspot.com/  )
Hannah from the above address, invited myself and my best friend milly from http://www.mlle-milly.blogspot.com/ to London for a VIP blogging event. The night was separated into 3 collections of bloggers, fashion, beauty and style insiders. It was lovely to meet all of them and we had such amazing pictures taken :) Love them all! And especially love the polaroid pictures that must have cost a bomb!!! The night consisted of amazing socialising, free goodybags, manicures, australian food and lovely cocktails :)

I wore:
Topshop new Cream lace top.
Primark Black wetlook leggins.
Topshop Black Blazer
Topshop Black Flower headpiece
Matalan Pink Prom Shoes
Would also like to say HELLO to my 77 followers which has gone up so much since I last looked :) I really appreciate everyone following and would love to get to 100 soon :) So please feel free to link me :) Over the past few months, I have experienced people being harsh about blogging or taking the mickey out of it. But in our general studies exam, we had to answer about the blogging world being the new world for journalism. Now I dont know about you, but I would say that being a blogger yourself is something that would most definitely help you out in a situation like that! And also I am proud to be a blogger. Its not something that I go and tell everyone about, but if someone asks then I will tell them.
So my question to you all is...How do you deal with people who dont understand the blogging world? Whether it is in a positive or negative way?? :)
Tomorrow is my birthday meal joint with my sister as we have the same birthday but three years apart so lets all get the family together :) Will do a post on it as ive got a DIY topshop dress to wear :)

Competition Winner :)

Katy Wilko from http://rottenottersthoughts.blogspot.com/ won the £25 gift voucher for ASOS. Given to us by http://www.discountcoder.com/. They have some fab discount codes available from lots of top fashion retailers including Dorothy Perkins, House of Fraser and New Look so make sure you check them out before you buy online and save yourself some cash.

Loving this Dolce & Gabbana Chiffon Shoulder Dress in Black for $655 shown on http://www.forwardforward.com/fwd/DisplayProduct.jsp?d=F&s=C&c=Dresses&product=DG-WD63.

Look out for the VIP party that Milly and I went to in my next posts :)

My Eighteenth Birthday

Although it was on monday, I have been rubbish and havent had time to post as yesterday I was in London...which I will explain about in my new post :) I got crazy drunk and things went a bit odd at the end, but OVERALL had SUCH a good night :) Love my friends so much and am so lucky to have them :) Thank you to them for being there. So here is the collection of my favourite photos from the night :)

Topshop Dress from Ebay - £10
Headband from Newlook - £5
Bracelets from Accessorise
White Bow from John Lewis - my ribbon box
Birthday band from Party Mania

My unbelievably perfect Boy. I Love Him So Much.

Three Musketeers - Me, Lucie and Sammy.

Look out in the next post about the VIP trip to London and Remember to enter the competition before the end of tomorrow :)

Also LOVE this Topshop Knitted Eiffel Tower Jumper, £38. I got it for my friend the other day with my discount before my under 18's card ran out. Featured in Look Magazine this week.

Perfect Pre-Birthday Presents

Two awards this week! Perfect birthday present :)

Beautiful Blog Award from http://walkthesand.blogspot.com/

7 Things I love to do:
- LoungE around on the sofa with my boyfriend.
- Using my 25% off at Arcadia.
- Make lists to keep organised.
- Take nice pictures with friends.
- Looking at the stars.
-Fill up a shopping cart online (same as walk the sand)
- Eating so much that I look pregnant (because its funny not because I want a baby HA)

10 things that make me happy:
- Obviously Blogging has got to be a number one.
- Eating Peanut Butter on toast.
- Getting a new pay cheque.
- Finding new music I've never heard before.
- Unexpected nice phone calls.
- Bubble baths with the boy with wine and candles.
- People suddenly hugging me from behind.
- Walking with my ipod.
- Getting a really good nights sleep.
- Bacon Sandwiches.

Things I love Online.

Havent actually asked for anything for my eighteenth birthday, but general happiness would be a perfect present :) Love to all of my followers, and anyone knew who comes along! Dont forget to enter the giveaway for £25 gift vouchers for ASOS. Definitely a good win :)
I hope that everyone has a good twenty-fifth of January :)

Pay Day Purchases :)

I have decided that pay days are BAD. They cause bankruptcy. Well not actually, but its painful to see how much clothes cost now adays! But on the otherhand...look how pretty they are :)
Today I bought one two three four FIVE things :) Shocker!!

This is my favourite item! Although strangely the top from TOPSHOP is far more cream then it looks here! Looks so gorgeous on and I am most definitely going to wear this to London on tuesday :) Matched with my black blazer and maybe either normal leggins or wetlook leggins and its a perfect combination of innocent and rock chick! Thinking maybe gold simple long necklace and simple gold jewellery with my new black chanel style topshop back from posts a while ago :)

Secondly I bought a simple, long white vest top to fit underneath the Topshop Lace top, because it is kind of see through! I bought it from NEW LOOK for £4.00 then got student discount on it too! :)

Thirdly, I bought this high waisted TOPSHOP skirt. It was ridiculously expensive and if it wasnt for my 25% off then I would NEVER have bought it...I mean who spends £35.00 on a skirt! :O So I put it together in the store with lots of other items, such as normal plain vests like the above and then thought about the fact that I have LOADS of crops at home, that because of the weather I havent been able to wear! This skirt would go perfectly because the high waisted buttons go high enough up so they would fit together :) Would wear it with leggins or tights in this weather and then due to the stretchy back, in the summer (maybe when the weight has been put on) then I can wear it without tights and get the ol' fake tan out :)

For my fourth item, I got this NEW LOOK Floral top. As some of you may have noticed, I am a bit of a floral addict! I took an extra close up picture from the website to show you how it shapes when its on you, it pulls in in three places over the bust and in particular underneath to show of the curves :) I love this because it was only £18.00 then I got my student discount too :) And I know that I will wear it a lot because I ALWAYS wear floral :) Good for day time with leggins and night time for a nice dinner out with jeans and heels...which im really trying to get back into doing! The sophisticated and sassy look :)

Last but by no means least, I got this NEW LOOK head band to wear out on my birthday ALTHOUGH my head band is ALL BLACK. And I didnt realise that they had the cream version, otherwise I would have bought this one too!!! :) But for my birthday I have a blue topshop dress (shown in an earlier post) and I am venturing out and challenging the FASHION RULE BOOK, and see how blue and black look together. You will get to see all of this possibly on tuesday or wednesday depending on when I get to have some 'relax time'.

Also I would love to wear some kind of exciting new lipstick for monday night out on my birthday and the image below came up...I love the whole idea of blonde hair and pink lips so which do you think is better? Blake Lively or Lauren Conrad?

I am terrible

Yes, the title is true.
I have been a terrible blogger this week.
My posts have been vague and pretty rubbish to be honest.
I have been at the university library ever day this week untill 10pm, so basically a minimum of 5 hours every day. And tuesday I did 9 hours :( My most important exam of january is on monday - which also happens to be MY 18TH BIRTHDAY. Unfortunate I know! But I am just looking forward to going out at night and to be honest its more of a reason to go out!!

I will continue to be a terrible blogger until either tuesday or wednesday and would hope that I am in all of your thoughts when I am going through the pain and suffering of revision and then the dreaded exam on monday at 1.45. So its not even like I will have the exam in the morning and then get to go out! I have double business in the morning before the business exam and then wont get out of a BUSINESS environment till 4.30 when the exams are officially and completely over!!!

Monday night I will be out with the girls, so pictures will be shown as soon as I can. Tuesday I am going to London with Milly from http://mlle-milly.blogspot.com/. Then Wednesday I am back to london for a trip to see Enron! SO excited!

Thought I would add in a very young picture of Milly from the above address and I from about 3 years ago :)  At the age of 14-14 we still knew how to rock a sun hat and tesco's glasses in the clothes department :)

So obviously I must have a main topic for my post other then complaining about life! HA.

So i thought I would comment on the comeback that is PLAITS.
After looking at some celebrity plaits from over 2009 my favourite one has definitely got to be Diane Kruger's classic hairstyle with the gorgeous silver clip. Its so simple and exactly the right amount of plait in my opinion. I may have that opinion because my hair is thin and quite hard to plait but I feel that this hairstyle shows just enough of the 'in' look and also enough individuality :)

My not so favourite is Sienna Miller's plait at The Golden Globes - 2007. Yes I know, its not from over the past year but this stood out a great deal on google images! Does this look not just scream, "WANNABE'. I find it hard to even look at! She is such a classic style english rose and I really do not like the idea that her stylists are trying to make her into a more american styled actress. She should be proud to be British and embrace her natural beauty as she is so lucky to be that way! Her long wavey hair as always been something ive been in awe of and it kills me to see her with such a style following drastic change!

Me being melodramatic? Or is it actually sometimes true that 'less is more'?

Also do not forget to enter my giveaway for £25 ASOS vouchers ending thursday next week :) Post your name, blog address and why you should win the vouchers and the winner will be selecter through random.org. Also remember that you must post about the giveaway on your blog too so that you can be entered into the competition :)

Blog Giveaway :)

Firstly I just have to say that I love this ASOS TFNC Bandeau Lace Prom Dress - £40.00
Yes thats right, Clashing Time is having its first blog giveaway, the prize is a £25 gift voucher for ASOS. All you have to do is be a follower of my blog or become one, comment on this post with why you should win and post about the giveaway on your own blog with a link back to my page.

http://www.discountcoder.com/ have some fab discount codes available from lots of top fashion retailers including Dorothy Perkins, House of Fraser and New Look so make sure you check them out before you buy online and save yourself some cash. The winner will be chosen through http://www.random.org/.
Also really want a pair of £60.00 - Hunter Original Wellington Boot - as seen on Lily Allen sold on ASOS.com

Glamourous Blogger Award

Now TO ME :)

I have won my first blogging award, from Aubrey from Made You Blush. She gave me and a few others the Glamourous Blog Award.

Ten things you didnt know about me:
I have asthma therefore meaning that perfume buying can be difficult!
I love inspirational people, not just in fashion but in life - like some teachers
I cannot survive a whole day without my phone glued to me.
I am a real Mummy's girl, going to hate leaving her when i'm at university.
I make my own money, I dont like taking my parents money very often. Rather my mum spoilt herself :)
I have 7 pairs of jeans - dont wear most of them :/
I wear socks to bed - have terrible circulation.
I dont like reading books, I have a terrible attention span thats why blogs are the best :)
I have a pretty good skin routine - I ALWAYS take off my makeup at night, however drunk I am :)
I have never loved anyone as much as i love my boyfriend, no matter how silly he is :) Its going to kill me not being able to see him everyday when im at university.

My Ten Favourite Glamourous Items are:
My dorothy perkins ankle boot heels.
My new lace Next top.
My forever worn jeggins from Topshop.
My Red primark coat.
My Jack Wills blue Gillet.
My Topshop Bird Waist Belt.
My New Sequin Sweater.
My Elnett Satin Hairspray.
My Topshop Floral Thin Blouse.
Topshop Beige Boots.

My Ten Favourite Glamourous Bloggers Who I give the award to are:

New Music Interest <3 and Heidi

I warn you! This is a LONG post :)

Katharine McPhee, she is gorgeous, talented and the american girl is new to me. Obviously she has not hit the UK yet but it seems like shes taking America in her stride. Listened to some of her songs and really love them! She was a runner up for the 2006 Pop Idol, and obviously this defeat did not stop her.  Over the past 4 years her look has completely changed from a long dark haired curvy girl to a slim crop bobbed blonde girl and personally I dont know which one I prefer? Its almost like looking at two different people! Loving 'How' especially, take a look at her and hopefully you will love her :)

Pictures from her website.

Onto more of a negative topic, Heidi Montag's Obsession.

In ONE day in November, Heidi Montag 10 procedures done - had buttocks augmentation , a breast job touch-up, a nose job touch-up, chin reduction, mini brow lift, Botox, fat injections in her cheeks and lips, pinning back of her ears, and liposuction in her neck, waist and thighs.

Now I dont know whether it is just these pictures that have most probablly been photoshopped! But I think that her hair is one thing that always made me like her, no matter what she has done with her body; therefore meaning that if she is going to have all this plastic surgery done and change her hair too to make it worse then I am now a Non Heidi Montag lover. I feel bad for her at times, because in my opinion, the whole Hills crew were put into this constantly filmed environment and truthfully with the success of it all, they are never going to get out of the star light. Also if someone is used to a constant large income coming in every month then it would be hard to not try to grab attention when the funds are running low. I would love to meet her and get to know her and try to get the real Heidi Montag out! I felt really sorry for her the whole way through the Hills because it was obviously Spencers fault for everything that went wrong with her life and now its still continuing, but she loves him so much that she ignores it!
How do you feel about her? Taking it too far for attention? Or a genuine lack of self confidence steamed by her sleezy husband telling her she could be better??

Panda Me Up Baby :D

Well as expected, I have yet again another two Topshop purchases :) The sale was marked down today and new items were put in just on time for me to start working! Therefore meaning that as I have a new pay cheque coming in on friday, I can spoil myself :)

Firstly I bought this gorgeous long, bum covering jumper :) Match it with some black leggins and you've got a lazy day but strangely fashionable outfit :) And I got it for £22.50.

There's one thing I need to know about my work place, I work for a Topshop Concession in Debenhams. Therefore meaning that I do not get my full 25% discount, instead I only get a normal 10% discount, to get my full discount I have to go to my Solo store in Cambridge town. The only problem is that our store is lucky in the fact that as we are smaller, we get a smaller more select amount of items through and if we relied on going over to town to get the items we want just to get out discount, then its most likely not going to be there. So sometimes, when sale items have just gone on, you might aswell buy it with just 10% and love it more for the increase in spending :)

Yes my card has infact been CRYING with the amount its been spent over the past few weeks, but its been a very stressful exam filled period and clothes seem to be the only thing to calm me down :)

Secondly I got the White sweater with sequin neckline, detailing on front and back for £18.00. Its so strange, I had been bidding on this on ebay for weeks and constantly got outbid! Until today when it was finalled swapped from Buy It Now to £20 and Under Sale :) Which is cheaper then the amount I would have been spending with the postage.

Now to Tuesday's show calendar.
These are called the Red Patent Mary Jane Pippa's by Te Cesan...

This range is by Natalie Portman and seriously take a look. Its a collection of simple small heeled shoes in block colours and I would love to own a pair :)

Also THANK YOU to the 50 people that are now following me :)


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