donuts are a girl's best friend.

I'm looking super ginge in these pictures! Unfortunately just a product of over used flash more than actual hair colour!

Donuts. Although they are the most delicious snacks in the world, the humble donut can also be a hair saviour in the styling world.

I bought this mesh donut from Primark, £2, a while ago and have been recently really appreciating its life saving properties! A device which needs dirty, messy hair to work into a extremely sophisticated style...? Yes please!

It takes two minutes- a little backcombing after shoving the hair up into a high ponytail is all that is required to stuff the ring around the pony and evenly distribute the hair around, and its a saviour for girls like me who have such fine hair that a bun of this magnitude was completely out of the question before.

There's something about this type of neat, rounded bun that screams Audrey Hepburn to me, and I've recently been a bit drawn to Tiffany's to eat a spot of toast.

The only downside I find to these hair donuts is the ever prominent fear that parts of the mesh will be visible under the hair, especially if you have very fine hair like me! I live in fear that people will discover my hair secret with random bits of mesh sticking out from my perfect bun... but hey, that's what bobby pins were made for!

These little rings are my new best friend when dealing with unruly, dirty locks and are amazing cheap at just £2... winning! :)

accidental blonde!

My hair has always been a bit of an oddball. It can never make up its mind what colour it wants to be, switching constantly from a little bit blonde to a little bit brown to a little bit grey (especially after a dry shampoo disaster!). Its always had natural blonde highlights running through it which especially come out in the sun, which look almost ginger at times... and don't even get me started on my majorly dark eyebrows compared to hair colour!

Over the summer I was craving a bit of a change as you may have noticed from my 'I want ombre hair and I want it now!' moans all over my blog and twitter so on a whim I picked up the John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder Lightening Spray a few months back, hoping for miracle results!

On the first few applications I wasn't too impressed; it was to be applied to damp hair and then blow dried, which I wasn't exactly thrilled about as I have been on a no-heat mission for the past year! I did however succumb to a few bouts of heat to give the Lightening Spray a fair chance to work, and after about a 2 weeks there was a noticeable difference...

The spray definitely brought out the blonde in my hair, and I now have an almost ombre effect going, which was entirely accidental considering I didn't even mean to put it just on the ends- that's sloppy application for you!

The thing that worries me about this spray is the misconceptions surrounding it. Although I didn't realise it when using, this does actually contain Hydrogen Peroxide (always read the label!) and as Nikki commented on my haul post where I mentioned this, you are actually leaving bleach in your hair for 2 to 3 days at a time, which is never going to be exactly beneficial to your hair! My sister's friends who are actually hairdressers were shocked that me and my sister were using this a few times a week, and thankfully I did only use it around 6 times, stopping before it did any lasting damage!

So overall, I like this... but not the consequences. I love being a bit more blonde, and although it hasn't drastically changed my hair colour its enough of a change to quench my hair colour boredom. I wont be using this again unless I feel the need for a bit of colour revival or possible to go a bit lighter next summer?! However I am extremely wary of it, so if your thinking of trying be aware of the damaging effects this could have to your hair, especially if its fine or already dry.

Have a good week my lovelies! 

sugar lips.

elisabeth hoff photo 1

elisabeth hoff photo 2

elisabeth hoff photo 3

elisabeth hoff photo 4

Its amazing what a little sugar and lip gloss can do!

The pictures above are the products of my talented friend Rhia’s photography A Level coursework, of which I had the privilege to be used as a model. To be honest, this is not what would be described as hard work; eating sugar, applying lip gloss and pouting are all routine tasks in my world!
I love the effect sugar has, especially in the last picture, completely worth ruining a cheap old lipstick for such a fantastic picture!



Bit annoying, but for some reason Blogger won't let my pictures be any bigger than this, but I suppose it will have to do! This selection of images are from a gorgeous restaurant in Edinburgh called Hamilton's that my sister took me to today, and it was devine. We had a table of six and all sat down to adorable meals varying from fish finger sandwiches and parsnip chips to chicken and bacon sandwiches with cream of mushroom soup. The whole restaurant was very relaxed and old fashioned with comfortable lounge chairs and candle lit tables, but it all had a modern feel, with abstract paintings and pop art styled menu's. Each meal consisted of bright colours and scrumptious flavours which I took a long time eating because I wanted to enjoy every single bite; but had to get a few snap shots in first as I was so impressed. I'm loving being in Edinburgh at the moment, everything here seems so calm and as if everyone is always content with their lives rather than some of the dramas of 19 - 20 year olds! Just reminded me of how simplicity can often be the main source for happiness...along with a beautifully yummy meal!

Also COLDPLAY are playing at my University in Norwich on the 27th as they are part of the Radio 1 Student Tour with Fearne Cotton and I am so excited, so although this is an odd video to go with the song, this is the most relevant Coldplay song to me right them!

DD day.


This week was a momentous moment in any new Boots employee's life… Double Discount Day, the day on which our 11.5% on non-boots brands and 22.5% on boots own ranges discount is doubled, meaning huge savings and a chance to build up those all important Boots points. And what do points make…? Prizes!

I accumulated a huge pile of ‘must haves’ in my basket and I am a little ashamed to say I spent £70 in one go, although to reassure myself, I did buy my sister things and a few uber-early Christmas presents too! The huge basket was originally priced at £99 so there was a huge saving of £29, not so bad when you think of it like that!


I let my self go a little crazy on the makeup front, but hey its only once a year! I picked up a few of the goodies I'd been lusting after for yonks now and after acumalating a few more precious points I treated myself to Stila Smudge Pot in Kitten, which at £13 a pop isn't something I would usually spend my dosh on.


Another favourite buy was the Revlon lipstick in Smoked Peach, a beautiful beautiful dark coral, peach, warm toned colour which so perfect for autumn as darker lips become a must have.


I also picked up the much raved about John Freida Go Blonder Lightening Spray, after much wondering of what colour it will turn my dark blonde/light brown hair and I will possibly be trying out a kind of ombre effect with this if it goes well! Another purchase was the Seche Vite Top Coat, a much needed item in my life!

After all this spending rest assured there will not be any more ‘haul’ type post for a good few months (fingers crossed!) as my mother simply wont allow it!

Have a good week! ♥

dell boy.

Can you believe in this day and age that I have never actually owned a laptop and have been tapping away for the past few years on my old family computer downstairs! I've never been a huge techno geek, or particularly interested in anything that involves complicated machinery, but once I'd saved a few pennies (which is a difficult task when your a makeup obsessive!) I decided it was time to invest...

Dell Inspiron N5040

Meet 'Tup Tup', my brand new blogging device! Yes Tup Tup is its name, along with the rest of my technology family; my Samsung Tocco phone, Tocci and my Ipod, Poddle. Bizarre, I know:)

I am ridiculously excited about 'Tup Tup' and his brand new shiny screen and snazzy webcam, with built in morphing features, meaning that I can turn into a wolf/crazy person at the click of a button...

My beautiful sister trying out the morphing features!

Hopefully this new technology will mean a few more posts from me, even if I am lacking a little in the inspiration department recently!

Have a good week beautifuls!


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