Autumn Pictures :)

Its dark by 5.30. Its raining heavier and more frequently than we have been used to. When its not raining, colours seem brighter and make you happy to see it not completely drenched! Today, it was my eight month anniversary with my boyfriend, and we had this amazing romantic plan...we were meant to be going on a walk through the countryside and then end up at the country pub; but instead the rain ruined this! We ended up walking to Waitrose, grabbed a bundle full of unhealthy food and I decided that this would be a good time to take some pictures of the Autumn season :) When we got back, I grabbed my duvet and we 'snuggled' on the sofa for hours on end!  When I was looking through these pictures, I decided that if the weather is good or bad, then an anniversary is still an anniversary! We kissed, laughed, cuddled and ate...A LOT! It was perfect! These were my favourite ones :) Including the gorgeous boy himself!

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