Kelly Osbourne

Firstly PLEASE  take a look at Tessa Rose's blog at
She is a uni student in Nottingham and a family friend of mine.
She does great fashion outfit posts and designer reviews :)
DO take a look and become a devoted follower like myself :)

Kelly Osbourne, aged 25 and 5 ft 2.

She has not had a good past due to her three times in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. But after a few years of random diets and failing, she decided to go through the normal way of just having portion control and exercise and she lost an amazing 42 pounds! I admire her so much!

Kelly has always tried to be completely honest in my opinion, and I love how honest she was about her insecurities about her weight when she hit 160 pounds! She was miserable and needed to do something about it so she did! Unlike other people who just sit around complaining about it! 

And due to her family being known for their crazy lives filled with drugs and rock and roll, she actually got more publicity for being fat then for being high as it may have sort of been seen as a normal thing!

"I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that."

She looks gorgeous in my opinion, and I really hope she keeps the weight of as she said that she feels so good not hating looking in the mirror every day...if only it was this simple for everyone! 
Some people may say that she looks a bit stereotypical hollywood, but if she is happy this way then thats all that matters :) Even if she puts on a few more pounds, she will be still look gorgeous!

Wishing happiness on everyone today :) Had a pretty good day! But got a lot of coursework in for tomorrow :) Listening to Capital FM Radio

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