New Love In My Life

So although I am back to the blogging world, my posts may be slightly short and sweet. Hope that is okay for you all for a while but its all I can deal with. 
So onto good news...
BOWOUT - Ikon Bag

This bag is by far the new love in my life.
My lovely boyfriend bought it for me because he had a gift voucher left over from his birthday last month. I walked into the store after calling them before hand to make sure that they put one on hold for me, with my head held high and SO happy to be buying a bag I had wanted for a while but no actually paying for it myself! I love it because I feel that its perfect for summer, matched with my beige trench coat that recently I have been wearing in the style of the Burberry catwalk fashion show with my brown leather tan Topshop belt...

When I had bought it and was walking to work, the sun was shining, sunglasses on and my huge Ted Baker bag took up most of the walk way around me whilst on my shoulder. But it made me smile, I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day at work and my manager was very jealous to hear that I had got it finally!

Hope everyone is having a good week, because for me, things are looking up :)

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