Well yesterday I went to London,
 I didn't wear this outfit but this was from the day before,
So  thought I would show you these new EBAY shorts.
They are brand new and came with tags, from Topshop and cost me £14.99.
I love them so much and I think they will be perfect for summer :)

So on to the title of my post...
when I was in London yesterday, 
I went to a cash point to print off a statement,
and saw that I only had £46.89 in my account,
 which of course was a bit of a shock.
I went into the nearest one of my bank, 
and they realised that I had had a case of Internet Fraud.
I have had £300 taken from my account from four companies, 
one called '02 BUYNET ONLINE', second 'V-STORE ONLINE'
and two other phone companies, I hadn't heard of.
If you have internet banking then please please please check yours now,
and if you have been targeted like any of the 16,000 
that it has been said to have happened to, then call your bank immediately,
as the transactions from the fraud will continue until you block them.
I have had to chop my card up, freeze all my account and 
will not be able to access my money until next friday.
So basically my posts may not exist for the next week due to complete
confusion over what's going on with my police investigation.

Anyway guys, posts on my most recent buys (before the fraud)
will be coming soon :)

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