Theres a programme on at the moment on E4 called 'Being Erica'. She has the chance to take back her mistakes from the past by going back in time and changing the way in which events happen. But it made me think, if we didnt have all of our mistakes from the past, would we still be the people that we are now? Would I have the amazing frineds that i have, or the boyfriend and family that I love?? I have SO many things in the past that I would love to take back, and in some ways I feel that I could have been a better person if I did take them back, but no doubt fate would have made sure that something else bad would have happened so that we realise our mistakes and move on to be a better person. I have a million and one little things that all add up that I wish I could take back, but without them I guarantee I wouldnt be as happy as I am now.
My blog has mainly be positive things recently, and thats because I am very happy right now! But some sad news came today. A girl from my college died in intensive care on friday during the day after having a Go Karting accident two days before where her scarf got caught in the wheels. Therefore many people at college today were unbelievably quiet and most just didnt know what to say. In my college of 2000 I was in some ways fortunate enough to never have met her and got attached to her like so many others did. And as unusual as that sounds I mean that im grateful that I havent had to go through the heart ache and pain of losing someone so special. But lots of my friends did. I dont necessarily believe in God, but I would like to believe that there is someone or something somewhere protecting all those people who pass away and some day I would hope to be protected by them also.
But onto happier things, I love this New Look Dress that I tried on in the new Cambridge Grande Arcade Store - £18!! Christmas Dress me thinks :)

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