The girl with the runaway heart.

Now who doesn't know the gorgeous work of Banksy
and especially the 'Balloon Girl, There is always hope.'
Every time I see this image, it makes me think of myself.
I am a hopeless romantic and always will be. 
I always let my heart go and dream the unthinkable.
I open my heart out to little people, but when I do, 
they know they're special.
I dream of those unrealistic moments, 
where your life turns out perfectly and you are in love forever.
Or that your heart is always full of affection and happiness,
and constantly beaming with joy.
But who doesn't dream of this???
Recently, I have been deciding how I want to be,
after all I am at an important stage in my life.
Stuck between the hectic summer of an 18 year old girl 
and the 'next step' in the world with university on the way.
So therefore I really have to decide,
Do I want to be sociable or concentrate on my learning?
A party animal, or a book worm?
Stay Loyal or be a free spirit?
Do I want to be a try hard or easy going?
Typically, a lover or a fighter?
But in all honestly, the truth of it is, that all I want to be is...


Thanks to Carrie for showing me this song.

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