Funk Rock Clothing

Recently I was sent two dresses by the gorgeous company...

I absolutely adore their website simply because of the huge 
variety of patterns, shapes to fit all and bold bright colours.
I asked my friend Shaun from,
to do a shoot of myself and his sister Megan in the clothes so that we could
fully show off the two that were sent to me.
I am wearing the 'Lovestruck Izzy Dress' - was £19.99 - now £15.00
and Megan is wearing the 'Lovestruck Marina Dress' - was £19.99 - now £16.99
They are both really easy to wear and accessorise, 
I matched it with a Topshop waistcoat and belt.
And we decided to keep Megan's look simply so we could show the difference
Definitely recommend going to the Funkrock website to check out their latest items!
Love love love all their collections :)

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