Winter Wishlist...

Hey Dolls!
Ohh, it is getting seriously chilly over here in the UK *shivers*. I keep having to resort to wearing a scarf everywhere I go, shock horror!

But now winter is drawing in, the only upside of the cold weather is the whole new wardrobe which comes creeping along with it!

Its just a shame my depleting levels of pennies can't quite stretch out enough to get these little jems into my wardrobe. But hey ho, nothing wrong with a little window shopping, here's what I'm lusting after for the impending cold months ahead...

Aviator Jacket
Why are you never in stock?!?

New Look
Furry Cuff Ankle Boot


Military Contrast Swing Coat

Bear Pom Pom Beanie Hat
Just adorable!

*Click pictures for sources*

Just looking at these makes me want to wrap up warm with a hot choccie and a good book...

Ohh, the quest for the perfect winter clothes is a long one. But remember, battling through the snow for that perfect winter jacket will make any ones winter a little warmer!


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