youtube inspiration.

Pixi2woo is one of my absolute favourite beauty guru's on YouTube, and her makeup tutorials are some of the best, in my opinion. One of her latest is based on Beyonce's makeup in the music video for Why Don't You Love Me and the makeup was so beautiful I just had to give it a go...


I absolutely adore this makeup, its soft but also very bold and I'm really embracing big black flicks in my eyeliner at the moment, a la Audrey Hepburn :)

Lately I've been feeling a little tired of my everyday makeup, which is very boring and simple for school and their stupid 'no makeup allowed' rules. I literally cannot wait for 6th form and for this year to be finished, as wearing proper makeup may actually be the thing I'm most looking forward to when I finish year 11... sad, I know ;)

Therefore, it's always nice to try something new with my makeup and shake it up a bit!

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