Major Brush Envy

Lately I've been realising more and more how pivotal the correct use of makeup brushes can be when wanting the perfect makeup finish. When rifling through my makeup collection, I found I was severely lacking in the brushes I want need, and I've been geeking up and doing some research into the beautiful brushes I just have to buy.

Here are some of the brushes I've been lusting after recently...

ELF Studio Powder Brush- Grrrr, why will you not come back in stock?!?


ELF Studio Fan Brush

Sigma F40

Sigma F15

Sigma F25

and many many more...

Ahh envy really is a sin... for my purse ;)

Why do brushes have to be so expensive ehh!?

What are your favourite and most useful makeup brushes, any recommendations? :)

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