You Give Me Hope.

Today, whilst perusing random websites for a cure for my boredom, I came across this...

What an amazing website. Reading through the stories I was stunned as they are unbelievably touching and I got goosebumps at the amount of sweet and lovely things that happen every day. Today, in a world where no-one seems to care, this website proves that kindness, chivalry and just plain miracles do happen, you just have to find them.

I've now come to realise that I am grateful to every single thing in my life, to my friends, my family, hey, even to the old man over the road who waves at me every morning and to my teachers who actually care about how my life is going to turn out.

And, of course, to all of you, my beautiful followers, for being so amazingly perfect in every way, supporting, advising and generally giving a helping hand. You are the reason I love blogger, you and you alone.

Thank you.

If you have time check out the website, you might be amazed.

And remember, there is always hope.

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