honey i washed the kids!

Honey bees, honey soap, honey everything; if you smell like honey, then zomgggg- I'm there.

Honey scents have always been a favourite of mine ever since I was a wee child, and now that my LUSH obsession has taken full form it seems honey is readily available to me- sorry about that bank balance ;)

For my birthday, I received the much raved about Honey I Washed The Kids soap from LUSH, and my oh my was I pleased with my gift?! This bar of gorgeousness lasts forever and smells divine. I cannot even get over the scent.... nomnomnommmm.

So of course I was over the moon when I discovered It's Raining Men, the shower gel version of Honey I Washed The Kids. This maybe the best shower gel in the world, period. If you like honey scents, then this is the shower gel for you, and hey, even if you don't, it is just downright amazing... like liquid heaven. But its limited edition- sob sob- so I'd better get myself out and down to my nearest LUSH to stock up on backups!

I've also been hearing about Honey I Washed The Kids Perfume, however I think this may have been discontinued.
If not- I need it in my life!

Do any of you lovely ladies have any honey/LUSH recommendations for me? :)

Now that its nearing the end of the month, it means that a certain unfortunate event has come along.
My boyfriend has gone travelling to South East Asia and India for 3-4 months.
As you can all understand, this is not such an easy time for me. Two years together on Thursday 3rd March, and now 3-4 months without him. Non stop crying has commenced and the ice cream is being provided by the tub but overall I'm trying not to be too sad and trying to in fact distract myself with anything that I know I will enjoy whether its food, blogging, shopping, working etc. I feel as if a huge part of my little life has just been taken away and we will be going from every day contact and seeing each other once a week (uni sucks), to now not seeing each other for months and speaking maybe once a week. I love him with everything I have in me, and I know I am lucky to even have a boyfriend to begin with but it still hurts so much knowing that the one you love is on the other side of the world for such a long time and you cant see them until they're home.
I know that I want him to have an amazing time, and I am obviously incredibly jealous but at the end of the day, its an opportunity of a life time and you cannot say no to exploring countries unknown to us. When I saw this picture on weheartit.com I realised it explains exactly how I feel right now. So Guys, I am making sure that I am appreciating every moment of life but because of this, for a little while I may not post. But please realise its not because I don't love each and every one of you. I'm just trying to adapt to the new changes in my life and get back to my normal self.  Trying to be as positive as possible!

Can anyone help? Have any of you had to deal with a loved one going away for a long time? How did you handle it?

Tie Peter Pan Blouse


This top is so versitile, I wouldn't only wear it with my high waisted Topshop jeans but I was going out this night for a meal and wanted to get the new girl out! As like everyone at the moment, I am really into the Peter Pan colars on my blouses but the thing I love about this top is the material, its so light and easy to match with anything. The other day I wore it with leggins and a denim jacket from my previous post, here I am wearing it with a Miss Selfridge feather jewel necklace from the sale for £5! And I think really because of the gorgeous vibrant colour of it, it would be suitable for day and night time outfits. Also with an extremely cheap price of £15.99, who really could say no to this?

lets get cracking!

Ring from New Look (poor owlie is missing an eye):

After a bit of a lack of inspiration- nail polish wise- lately, today out came my big box of nail polishes I own, ready for a rejuvenation. After chucking out countless bottles of nasty, dried up gunk that I previously kept only on the grounds of '.. but their pretty!', I came across an old favourite, Nails Inc London. This gorgeous mauvey-taupe is a perfect soft, almost-spring colour, however on its own I felt it need a little bit more umph.

So, being the sneaky little sister that I am, I brought my lovely big sis Barry M Cracked nail polish for her birthday this week, and after a little blackmailing (with chocolate, of course ;) she agreed to let me have a little play. I actually really like the effect of just using Cracked on the one finger, rather than a whole hand, and wow, is this nail polish something unique or what!?

This week is half term, meaning that I have a whole week off, away from school. Well that's what they say anyway, but it hasn't stopped them from piling on the work. Its scary how speedily this year is going by. Being in Year 11, I only have about 8 weeks left of normal school, eeekk! After summer I'll be returning to the 6th form, I feel like I'm growing up so fast- scary!

Anyway, that's enough of the rambles from me, have a good weekend my loves! :)


my MAC lipsticks.

For the past year or so, I have been slowly battling a lipstick obsession. Rimmel, GOSH, ELF, you name a brand, I have a lipstick by it, but my favourite lipstick brand by far is most definitely MAC. Their colour selection is outstanding, and I can't get over the gorgeous application that the 3 MAC lipsticks that I own give me. So here's a little insight into my MAC lippie collection so far...

Shy Girl
'Creamy neutral coral beige (Cremesheen)'
I adore this lippie for a pop of coral-y color when my face is lacking a bit of warmth. Its definitely a unique colour in my collection, a beautiful peach tone and its a world away from my usual fall back nude lipsticks.

Creme Cup
'Light blue pink (Cremesheen)'
This is most definitely a perfect everyday lipstick colour for me, not being too loud, bright or pale, this is a 'my lips, but just a little but better' colour.

'Soft pale pink (Glaze)'
By far my favourite of the bunch is of course Hue, which is much raved about here on Beautylishious. This is just the perfect milky, pale pink, and saves me from a world of boring nudes with a hint of colour!
 *note to self- get over your fear of colourful lipsticks!*

Left to right- Hue, Creme Cup, Shy Girl

I'm always looking for more additions to my MAC lipstick family, with Plink and Lady Danger being high up on my wishlist. Any suggestion of further purchases ladies? :)

Summer come early

I know that Denim Jacket's are normally a key piece in everyone's summer wardrobe, but I found this gorgeous size 10 mini denim crop jacket in the Warehouse Sale for £20! :) I am not the type to go out and spend £20 willy nilly as I am a student remember! But I knew straight away that this would be something that I would keep for a while a wear a lot throughout the summer and also now! I have been wearing it underneath coats when out as a sort of cardigan like layer but obviously its a thicker material so can cause problems. I have worn it out on a night out with leggings and a long top. Here I am wearing it with a blue Topshop jersey top and jeggings, matched for some colour with a vintage red, black and gold scarf from my Grandma :) In the summer, I will wear it with anything really, its so versatile and although I'm not a fan of the double denim look, I have a lot of colourful skirts and blouses to match with the Denim Jacket.

Floral Fantastic

This is a Topshop dress I got in the sale two weeks ago for £12!
It is a size 14 but with a simple little black thin belt from Primark for £2.50.
It is quite short so I did have to wear a long top underneath but it made me more comfortable because it was quite floaty and I was worried people would see my bum but it all turned out okay :)
I love finding things in the sales because normally you find the best things on the floor tucked underneath everything else with there hangers still in cos they have just fallen off the rail, that was the case here! I wore it to a night out in town and it was quite nice to have a high neck and long sleeved dress ( I pulled them up for the picture ) as I was really comfortable and warm! What do you think?

hauling from across the pond.

 NYX products have been on my 'beauty radar' ever since I've gotten into the whole beauty blogging/vlogging world, however, living in England, it's very difficult to get hold of. After endless searching and lusting after products, I finally came across Cherry Culture, an American website which does ship to the UK. It stocked all of the products I had been searching for and the shipping was only $8- WIN! :)
The postage took a little over 2 weeks, and for around £24 I got all of these...

Mega Shine Lipgloss in Smokey Look
I love love love love love this! The gorgeous, sweet smell reminds me of childhood holidays and much to my surprise, this lipgloss is not sticky at all, which is the best part for me, I hate stick lipglosses! The colour is beautiful and looks amazing paired with MAC Shy Girl lipstick, a winning combination:)

Round Lipstick in Margarita
I must admit, this was a disappointment for me. Don't get me wrong, the formula is beautiful- creamy and soft, however I hate the colour. It just does not suit my skin tone, and I look slightly crazy when I put it on, but I will definitely be considering buying more of these, in different shades.

Jumbo Eye Pencils in Milk & Dark Brown
I adore these, just adore. The brown is dark and pigmented, perfect for smudging into the lashes and the milk is the perfect base for other eyeshadows.

Powder Blush in Peach
This, as you may think from the name, is not a peach. It was the colour shade which initially drew me in, however it turns out to be a soft, very light pink, which is beautiful, however I was disappointed when I didn't open it up to being a beautiful glowing peach. But hey, the pigmentation is lovely and its really glowey and pretty on the cheeks.

Rouge Cream Blush in Rose Petal
This miracle product is really the reason I was interested in NYX in the first place. I'm a huge creme blush fan and this definitely fulfilled my high expectations. Its beautiful and dewy, perfect for a 'no makeup-makeup' look and is such a dream to blend I can't wait to put it on every morning.

Lip Lacquer Pot in Georgia Peach
This colour is just divine, a milky, shiny pink which looks beautiful on the lips, without being sticky at all. Love love love.

I also received the Bubblegum Lipbalm above as a free gift with purchase, which is also lovely and moisturising and the smell just reminds me of my old bubblegum obsession - nomnomnom!

Top - Bottom; Lipgloss in Smokey Look, Lip Lacquer in Georgia Peach, Lipstick in Margarita, Jumbo Eye Pencil in Dark Brown & Milk, Rouge Creme Blush in Rose Petal, Powder Blush in Peach

I'm loving all my new bits and bobs from NYX and I'm on the hunt for new things to try, any suggestions? :)

Frill Peter Pan Blouse

NEWLOOK - £21.99
This is my new stunner of a top from Newlook, an unusual mustard colour that admittedly I didnt think would suit me because of my pale skin and light hair but I really love it and recommend people trying out unusual colours this year! I contrasted the bright yellow with black Missguided wedges and a black Topshop bodycon and some gold and black Topshop earings to accessorise the look...what do you think? Stick to what you know or be a bit adventurous?? My best friend Lucie wearing a Topshop summer collection dress -£26.

Listening to Duffy

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

Just so you all know, i'm doing this post off of my boyfriends iphone whilst we're in the pub and i thought i'd occupy myself by posting instead of watching Spurs vs Sunderland!

Anyway, my new favourite programme at the moment is Secret Diary of s Call Girl. Although I wouldn't normally talk about underwear on my blog, today I have decided to because of some gorgeous images I saw that were taken for the programme. As quoted by 'Celbrifi' website 'The series tells the story of high-class escort Belle and her adventures in London. And as you might expect the character, played by Billie Piper, has quite the wardrobe of intimate wear.'

In the first episode Billie wears a gorgeous number worth £650 from the lovely boutique luxury brand 'Harlette'. It's called the 'Northern Lights Couture Crystal Catsuit' made with French lace and Swarovski crystals on silk.

What do you think? Sexy for the bedroom or something nice to make the ladies feel nice?

Listening to Adele - Rolling in the deep

the big 16.

As some of you may know, my birthday was last Monday and ooh it feels good to finally be the big 1-6!!
On Saturday night I went out for a birthday meal to the restaurant Zizzi's, and boy, do they have good nosh! There I had a few amazing surprises from my lovely friends including the best birthday cake in the whole wide world and a beautiful 'friendship book' made by my best friends in the whole wide world :)
It was a great night, and two days later, my actual birthday was just as good with presents, more presents... and just a few more presents!

Revlon Colourstay Foundation
MAC Studio Finish Concealer
ELF Concealer & Highlighter
Bourjois Bronzer
MAS Mineralize Skin Finish Natural
ELF Mineral Blush in Rose
ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
ELF Cream Liner (Used as eyeshadow base and liner)
Sleek Bad Gal Palette
ELF Mineral Eyeshadow in Socialite (used wet on inner corners)
Avon Supershock Gel Liner
Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara
MAC Hue Lipstick

Dress- Primark
Tights- Random
Boots- Primark
Nails- Barry M Raspberry

Some of my favourite birthday presents included...

...a flashing birthday badge :)

...best birthday card ever from my larvelyyy sister <3

...a huge hamper of random but meaningful gifts from the besties :)

...the most adorable mini owl necklace!

...MAC Creme Cup Lipstick & Painterly Paint Pot... woohooo!

...a huge selection of chocolate... I think they are trying to fatten me up... nomnomnom

And that is the end of my birthday for another year ♥

Three is a magic number

This evening thin jacket is from the New Look sale for £3
Believe it or not, I found this beaut on the floor of the sale and could not believe it when I saw a reduced sign of £3!!! From over £20 before hand! It is a size 12 and thats not my size but you really cant tell! I never normally wear things like this but I love the details on the shoulders, especially with my new Topshop high waisted jeans :) What do you think?


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