London Aussie Party

On Saturday the 7th of August,
I attended one of the best nights I have been out on!!
As my title states, it was the 'Coloured Hair Aussie Angels Party'.
This post is rather photo heavy just so you can understand the amazingness!
Now imagine this, turning up to the gorgeous 'Kingly Club' in Soho 
to find a big group of stunning bloggers surrounded around each table 
drinking mojitos and cocktails of all different colours and chatting 
to each other about their hair tips, makeup styles and clothes advice!

I wore as seen below...An Oasis SALE Playsuit - £15.
A Topshop Rose SALE Necklace - £4
Old Pink Next Shoes & Primark Belt

There were advice boxes - basically each blogger from
all of the Aussie Parties put a single piece of advice into the box
and eventually it will be made into a 'style bible' for all hair types :)

There was REALLY useful hair demonstrations for example learning
how to make a fishtail plait or how to add volume when drying,
or even how to make your hair look like its just been dyed!! 

I had my hair curled and I absolutely loved it!
The hair stylist, shown in the pictures, made it look so easy!!
One day soon I will try it again and get my hands on some curlers!!

And the creme de la creme...The Drag Queens.
Beyonce and Lady Gaga came to the club and did a special performance :)

We stayed in the most AMAZING hotel for the night,
It was The London Bridge Hotel and our room looked like this...

Let me just say a HUGE thank you to Emma from Aussie for inviting me :)
It really was an amazing night!!! Cant wait for the next :)

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