Polka Dot

I've been really useless at blogging over this past month that I have had off from university and the two weeks I've been back!!
In a way, I really regret it. I've bought so much due to Christmas money and pay cheques but haven't had the time to share it with any of you lot! One excuse for not blogging more recently was that I went on a gorgeous and relaxing holiday with my boyfriend for one week but no doubt a very long post about that will come later. 
One thing I have liked about blogging over the past month is that even though I have not had much time to post, I have still been able to check out some of my favourite bloggers and look at what they've been doing and steal some of their style tips and ideas.
Just before I went away I bought this gorgeous Topshop Cocoa Peter Pan Collar Polka Dot Sleeveless Tunic for £26 and my inspiration for this random purchase was because of three bloggers I like and their posts about the item. It made me instantly want to go out and get it so that I could have it for my holiday so to the left is a picture of just that, matched with black newlook sandals.
I may do an outfit post later of myself in it, but am REALLY short of time at the moment due to uni work!!!

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