tropicana eyes.

During the depths of winter, it seems that everyone could do with a little colour to brighten up those dreary grey days, so little ole' me (still refusing to admit it isn't summer) decided to have a play around with all the brights in my collection...

I used my Sleek Storm and Bad Gal palettes, Avon Super Shock Gel Liner and Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara.

Might be a little out of season, but these bright parroty colours really cheered me up after a long day of revision and exams, as I am currently in the middle of sitting my mock GCSE's- booo!

But hey, the best thing about exams is the extra time off school, I've had two half days off this week- win!

Lately I've been really into experimenting with colour and getting out of my 'neutral' rut, which I seem to have gotten myself lodged into these past few months! Hopefully 2011 will bring with it a new adventurous Hannah, fingers crossed!

What do you think of bright colours in the winter months? A little over the top, or perfect for brightening up the cold, dark days? :)

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