
Being able to wear nail polish freely, without a teacher yelling, screaming or having a breakdown at the fact my nails are coloured is extremely new to me. Now I have so much more freedom with my 'uniform code', nail colour is a necessity, is is quickly becoming my obsession. For years I had wondered what all the fuss was about regarding nail polish, but recently my love for all things nail related has been growing. Rapidly.

Accessorize is my recent discovery in the nail world, their polishes are just so beautiful! This is my current favourite polish, Bronze, and I am extremely tempted to go and pick up one or five more colours from their range this weekend!

Bronze is a metallic, yellow, green, red, brown, gold... every colour of the rainbow, duo-chrome polish.

It is too beautiful for words.

Even as I type this, I cannot stop staring at my nails, and they are an extreme distraction in school! The colours are perfect for the fast approaching Autumnal months and will be a firm favourite in my book for a while to come.

What are your favourite Autumn nail polishes?!

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