New Year

Me in the middle with old school friends.

As we all know, 2010 is coming and because of this all things will change. Whether you want it to or not, sometimes we have no control over it. Life changes every day under your nose and you dont even notice, and other times it is brought to your attention and is a shock. By this, I mean that in life on occasion, one can do wrong and hope for it to just pass by, otherwise it stays around and eats at you like you've never noticed before. One moment, your days are passing by with happiness taking over your life, then stop. It changes.

Friendship, love and family are the most important things in the world to me. I dont know what I would do with out each of these three factors.
Love is what controls everything in life.
Family are the main structures to keep everyone sane.
Friendship is the happiness that is given away and give to others.

I completely believe in a new year and a new start. I just wish others felt the same. I am all for forgiveness and the willingness to forget mistakes and look forward to the future to see better days. Sorry Guys, bad day.

Aubrey from Made You Blush always seems to help in moments like this. Take a look and im sure she will give you guidance without even realising :)

Loving This...<3

Night Out :)

Topshop Blazer.
New Topshop Sale Whte Sequin Top.
Long Black Topshop Top (underneath)
Dorothy Perkins Ankle Boots.

Before the New Year, my friends and I decided that we should have a night out where we dressed smart/casual and had a few drinks. I didnt want to get home too late as ive been at my Grandma's today, so I got home by 1. This is what I wore as I decided that I just HAD to wear this gorgeous top out! I was going to wear it with a waist belt, but trust completely ruined the gorgeous material and the floaty angelic idea of how it looks on the hanger! It was far too cold to go out without a cardigan or coat so I thought that my blazer would go perfectly! I clipped sections of my hair back and mini plaits either side so that my fringe looked more of a statement. Finally the DP ankle boots were added to make the whole look more daring rather than little girl like :) Hope you like.

Would also just like to say Rest In Peace Grandad, as this is his two year anniversary of his death today. Loved always and forever in my thoughts!

New Blog Interview <3

Firstly for all you lingerie lovers out there, I would like to show you my new sale item purchases from Marks and Spencers in the new Ceriso range - both items NINE pounds :O

The Interview

Q. Why did you start this blog?

A. An old friend started it and got really into it. To be completely honest I was in awe of how exciting it all was and how happy it made her. Check her out...

Q. What can readers expect from your blog?

A. Well ive been told by many that I have a minor obsession with Topshop, and that is mainly because I work for Topshop! So I suppose they should expect to have an interesting view on the newest and older clothes, the key items in each season, when sales are on etc; but also im interested in the general gossip throughout the celebrity world and in everyday life.

Q. What other blogs inspire you?

A. I must say Giselle from . Caroline from Maison from Carly from and last but not least, Aubrey from

Q. Onto the personality section. Ask a friend to describe you in five words.

A. From my boyfriend - 1. Loud. 2. Smiley. 3. Beautiful (not sure if that counts) 4. Funny. 5. Talkative

Q. Do you agree with this?

A. I can sort of agree, I would like to :) But its all down to personal opinion!

Q. What do you do for a living?

A. Well at the moment I am a student at college, but I also work in Topshop to earn some money (and spend it all in there too)

Q. What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

A. Working for a successful business (as i want to do business at uni) with a family of my own. Very excited for family time even though Im only 17!

Q. Finally, what do you hope to convey to your readers?

A. Well idealy I would like to convey to my readers, that although style is comes and goes. Its what is inside you that brings out inspiration for others, the way you put an outfit together doesnt always have to be about whats 'in' at the time, but instead how it makes you feel and whether you feel that you could get noticed in it...overall having a positive outcome :) Forever the optimist.
Lastly I would just like to introduce you to the new Leighton Meester Single, 'Somebody to Love'. Which you can listen to on . So the gorgeous star can do other things apart from acting? :) Quite catchy :)

Topshop Sale Items

These are my new Topshop sale items.

Green and Blue Shirt - Was £28. Now £15

Blue Wool Skirt. Was £32. Now £15.

Tapestry Bloom Swing Top. Ws £25. Now £15.

White Sequin Top. Was £32. Now £15.

Pink Lace Croppped Top. Was £25. Now £15

Topshop saved Christmas :)

Our Early Morning Christmas Day Walk :)

My Christmas Day outfit...

Topshop Dress in the Sale £20...with my discount...£15! :)
LOVE the detail on this dress, and its really hard to show you due to the flash and also the fact that the dress is black! But if you were able to look up close then you would see a sort of cross hatched material shaped into triangles all over the front side of the dress with the back completely transparent. Therefore meaning that I added a black pair of h&m leggings and a long h&m top underneath :) In future Im thinking that I may buy a long coloured top to wear underneath to bring out the shapes and wear it with clear tights!

Also bought The Tapestry Bloom Swing Top as I already own the summer style one :)
£15 :) Will do a post on this soon :)

Got some other purchases also so I MUST picture them and get them on here, but as far as im concerned right now all I need is a cup of tea whilst watching Notting Hill with the gorgeous Hugh Grant :)

I am loving blogging so much, every day I try to create a new post and hope and pray that someone new will read it and like my style or what im saying :) So if you are feeling generous then please do pass on my blog to a friend and I promise you that I will actually comment back to them! Unlike some other bloggers, who sometimes may feel that they are too important to appreciate the support they get! I most definitely do :)
Love to everyone <3

Christmas Love :)

This is my cousin from my mums side of the family! She is four and her name is Grace. She was dressing up and decided to involve me too! :) I hope that everyone's christmas' have been full of love and happiness! Mine most definitely has been :) Two perfect calls from my lovely boyfriend, one morning christmas at my uncles and then to my dads for the second with a HUGE meal... of course! And lots of present opening! We thought that opening the presents in front of the fire would be better even though the tree is in another room! And obviously Jelly Beans were involved!!

My best present apart from my Topshop boots, was my Workman Shoes Gallery Calendar :) Every day you see a pair of shoes from the 2010 collections, so most likely my blog will involve a lot of shoes in the future and how I would love to own them :)


Hey everyone, I really am SO sorry for the lack of posts!!! I have been rather ill over this festive period and even with a horrible cold and headaches, I have been trooping off to work every day so FINALLY I have time to show you the new hair style :)

But I would just like to start with this -
"It's the voice you hear inside, who you truly are." --Brittany as the voice of Baby Gloria in Happy Feet. R.I.P to a great star. Who im sure, will always be missed by everyone who knew her and all her fans.

I dont have any good photos though which is the problem...only photos from my night out! Also excuse my very drunk friend Guy :) Not completely sure on it yet but everyone else seems to like it quite a bit...especially my lovely lovely lovely boyfriend :)

I got my christmas present early from my boyfriend! We decided that we were only going to do small things because its my birthday coming up next he bought me this lovely silver bracelet from a little jewellery shop in town with little butterflies on it because i love them :)

But to be completely honest, this made me smile more :)
By the way, it says 9 months not 3 :)

I am not meant to tell anyone BUT....

Big posts tomorrow hopefully :)

Feud or No Feud?

IM SORRY for not posting over the weekend, had a bit of a hectic one because of the snow and a random work time yesterday at Topshop. So finally today, I thought I would do a post on the on going confusion between Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall. As you can see from above, they look completely fine! But over the past few years there has been a massive feud about the pay between the four amazing women of Sex and the City. KC got upset about the fact that SJP was the more of a central character and because of this she got paid more. I get why she would be upset, but this was the way it was casted...surely she got that when she signed on?? They are ALREADY making so much money from the show and the i dont see how the amount of millions is not enough?? Im not sure because there may be other factors, but what do you think? Well anyway, finally the pair have decided to get on as you can see in the picture, when Kim Cattrall went WITH Sarah Jessica Parker to her premiere of the new film with Hugh Grant, 'Did You Hear About The Morgans?'. And I think it would be so amazing if you could genuinely believe the love the four have when the second Sex and the city movie comes out!! :)

Although I prefer the dress that Sarah JP wore to the London premiere, I have decided that the Nicholas Kirkwood Webb shoes she wore to the Manhattan premiere are 10 times better :)

New Topshop LOVE
Batgirl Body - Price:£20.00

Pictures of my new hair will be up on tuesday :) Need a night out first!!! :)

Hair Cut??

These are my three favourite fringe styles:

Tomorrow I am going for a much needed hair cut, I have had the same hairstyle since I was about 11! So I decided that I would opt for a fringe! Very unusual for me as I have straight thin hair, but nowadays hair dressers are able to put fringes on anyone due to new styles and techniques! I wanted to take some pictures and I thought that keeping the pictures with blonde people would be easier to visualise :)
What do you think???

Also I thought I would tell you all that I FINALLY got my Topshop MYLES Fur Cuff Boots but instead of getting the grey ones, I got the newer ones in a Camel colour. They are SO warm and I definitely advise people getting them! Especially great when I was cycling in the snow, which recently turned to this amazing sight...


After browsing the grazia website, I saw the girls from the new Nine movie in their gorgeous gowns. After looking for a while and feeling green with jealousy, I decided that Fergie was wearing the nicest dress! She wore a grecian style white frock by Marchesa matched with Chopard’s diamond earrings,white diamond cuff and waist-enhancing silver belt. She looks so stylish and classy, unlike some of the unfortunate outfits I have seen on her in the past!!!

Here's the trailer...


The Victoria Secret show has been a big deal recently and of course EVERYONE is loving the stunning collection and the stunning girls! So now we have been blessed with an amazing woman who is showing us to atleast make our faces look as perfect as the models. I am completely loving the tutorial videos featured on the 'makeup geek' blog! I only just came across it and its really helped me with applying makeup in the correct way. Before I would try to apply it as quickly as possible so that I can get out to where im going, (normally college) but now I have learnt how to apply my makeup quickly but make it look a lot better quality rather than have terrible makeup lines because I havent bothered to rub it all in! I definitely advise that you have a look on her blog and take a peek at the celebrity looks. I tried kate hudson on saturday night, and although it wasnt perfect, I felt nice :)

LOVE - Asos Tilda Toe Cap Shoe Boot - £40.00 - in black or pink!!!

Being Erica

Theres a programme on at the moment on E4 called 'Being Erica'. She has the chance to take back her mistakes from the past by going back in time and changing the way in which events happen. But it made me think, if we didnt have all of our mistakes from the past, would we still be the people that we are now? Would I have the amazing frineds that i have, or the boyfriend and family that I love?? I have SO many things in the past that I would love to take back, and in some ways I feel that I could have been a better person if I did take them back, but no doubt fate would have made sure that something else bad would have happened so that we realise our mistakes and move on to be a better person. I have a million and one little things that all add up that I wish I could take back, but without them I guarantee I wouldnt be as happy as I am now.

My blog has mainly be positive things recently, and thats because I am very happy right now! But some sad news came today. A girl from my college died in intensive care on friday during the day after having a Go Karting accident two days before where her scarf got caught in the wheels. Therefore many people at college today were unbelievably quiet and most just didnt know what to say. In my college of 2000 I was in some ways fortunate enough to never have met her and got attached to her like so many others did. And as unusual as that sounds I mean that im grateful that I havent had to go through the heart ache and pain of losing someone so special. But lots of my friends did. I dont necessarily believe in God, but I would like to believe that there is someone or something somewhere protecting all those people who pass away and some day I would hope to be protected by them also.

But onto happier things, I love this New Look Dress that I tried on in the new Cambridge Grande Arcade Store - £18!! Christmas Dress me thinks :)

To Me, You Are Perfect <3

Today, I have spent the day completely hungover in my comfortable clothes after doing the walk of shame down my street whilst wearing my pyjamas with heels and my jacket as my mate dropped me off before she went to work. Last night I went to S.P.A.N.K in Newmarket, at a club called Innocence. Really tired as i didnt get to sleep untill 4! But had such a great time :) I wore my new top with the bodycon as advised by you lot!

So after that embarrassing walk home, I decided to have a wash then get into some comfortable clothes and do NOTHING all day :) And I watched the amazing film that is 'LOVE ACTUALLY'!! Best christmas film ever made and I thought I would pull out one moment that just makes my heart melt!! Its when Andrew Lincoln stands outside the door for Keira Knightley with a collection of signs with writing on them basically confessing his mad love for her. Who wouldnt want that done for them?? I would LOVE my boyfriend to do something like that because it shows that he was actually concentrating on the many occasions when ive made him watch it!! :)

P.s Really want this bag for not going to happen, but I love it :) Mulberry Bayswater Shoulder Bag, Blackberry - £695

Clashing Time

Ive been with my boyfriend for 9 months now, and I have read all over the internet that you shouldnt blog about loved ones. But I cant help but talk or write about him. Its like word vomit, anything and everything about him interests me. I could feel it today, a real Mean Girls moment when the words were forcing themselves out. I was at lunch with friends and talking about whats going to happen when we get to university, a sad conversation for all couples and friends but it has to be talked about. I could not stop talking and I could see that my friends were slightly confused. For me, my life for the next few years is pretty much set up; doing exams, getting results then going to University after hopefully getting the results I need. But I cant imagine my life without my boyfriend and my best friends - The Three Musketeers as we like to be known and all my other non college best mates so its hard not to talk about it. Ive got so used to my life at the moment and if im completely honest then im really happy! I am the usual clingy and lively girlfriend/friend who gets a teeny bit annoyed if my plans dont fit with everyone elses but that is what Clashing Time is all about. Trying to fit everything in with the little time I have! So the whole point of this post is that whilst I think about how life is about to change, I should try to remember how good life is at the moment!
I hope you all agree :)

Favourite Celebrity Outfit at the moment:
Zoe Saldana At The 'Avatar' World Premiere, London.
Dress by Roland Mouret.

British Fashion Award Favourite

As many of you may know, I am a lover of Victoria Beckham. Some may argue against with me for this opinion, but I love her style and although she can seem to be a bit of a bad person to represent the British women whilst being abroad due to her 'eating disorder', but now she is still gorgeous.

Last night she attended the The British Fashion Awards and wore a dress from the S/S 2010 collection of VB. As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of Cruella de Vil. But the shoulder pads and floor length makes it gorgeous :)

This is what it looks like on her website.

What do you think???


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