New Blog Interview <3

Firstly for all you lingerie lovers out there, I would like to show you my new sale item purchases from Marks and Spencers in the new Ceriso range - both items NINE pounds :O

The Interview

Q. Why did you start this blog?

A. An old friend started it and got really into it. To be completely honest I was in awe of how exciting it all was and how happy it made her. Check her out...

Q. What can readers expect from your blog?

A. Well ive been told by many that I have a minor obsession with Topshop, and that is mainly because I work for Topshop! So I suppose they should expect to have an interesting view on the newest and older clothes, the key items in each season, when sales are on etc; but also im interested in the general gossip throughout the celebrity world and in everyday life.

Q. What other blogs inspire you?

A. I must say Giselle from . Caroline from Maison from Carly from and last but not least, Aubrey from

Q. Onto the personality section. Ask a friend to describe you in five words.

A. From my boyfriend - 1. Loud. 2. Smiley. 3. Beautiful (not sure if that counts) 4. Funny. 5. Talkative

Q. Do you agree with this?

A. I can sort of agree, I would like to :) But its all down to personal opinion!

Q. What do you do for a living?

A. Well at the moment I am a student at college, but I also work in Topshop to earn some money (and spend it all in there too)

Q. What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

A. Working for a successful business (as i want to do business at uni) with a family of my own. Very excited for family time even though Im only 17!

Q. Finally, what do you hope to convey to your readers?

A. Well idealy I would like to convey to my readers, that although style is comes and goes. Its what is inside you that brings out inspiration for others, the way you put an outfit together doesnt always have to be about whats 'in' at the time, but instead how it makes you feel and whether you feel that you could get noticed in it...overall having a positive outcome :) Forever the optimist.
Lastly I would just like to introduce you to the new Leighton Meester Single, 'Somebody to Love'. Which you can listen to on . So the gorgeous star can do other things apart from acting? :) Quite catchy :)

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