Winner :) first blogging win :) I decided to enter this a few days ago....

And it turns out that the gorgeous Hannah Rose from  thought that I should be one of her three winners!!! The prize was to win a "VIP night out with me, for you and a friend? Complete with free clothes, free drinks, free gifts, lots of surprises, and all at a top celebrity haunt in Soho" Which to any girl sounds absolutely AMAZING. So I could not help myself when entering!

It is all going to be held at PUNK nightclub in Soho, London on Wednesday 9th December - . But I got the TERRIBLE news today that Hannah also found out, ALL WINNERS HAVE TO BE 18!!! So even though I am pretty much 18 in everyway apart from my birthday is in actually january, I cannot go :( But fortunately for someone else, they may be winning the greatest night ever!!

Her blog link is above, this is a little bit from her about me section, just makes me want to read every blog she posts!!! 'Hannah Rose, 19 years old, London. Fashion addict. Oh so vintage/rock chick! Sometimes edgy, sometimes grungey, sometimes eclectic, but always with a touch of glam. A girlie girl but with an edge. She has the best friends ever, be jealous. They mean everything to her. Big hair && big lashes = ♥. Big dreams of becoming a stylist someday. She's the kind of girl who will burst out laughing because of something that happened the day before. What Hannah wants, Hannah gets. She's independent. && she loves meeting new people, so introduce yourself bitch!'

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