New Year

Me in the middle with old school friends.

As we all know, 2010 is coming and because of this all things will change. Whether you want it to or not, sometimes we have no control over it. Life changes every day under your nose and you dont even notice, and other times it is brought to your attention and is a shock. By this, I mean that in life on occasion, one can do wrong and hope for it to just pass by, otherwise it stays around and eats at you like you've never noticed before. One moment, your days are passing by with happiness taking over your life, then stop. It changes.

Friendship, love and family are the most important things in the world to me. I dont know what I would do with out each of these three factors.
Love is what controls everything in life.
Family are the main structures to keep everyone sane.
Friendship is the happiness that is given away and give to others.

I completely believe in a new year and a new start. I just wish others felt the same. I am all for forgiveness and the willingness to forget mistakes and look forward to the future to see better days. Sorry Guys, bad day.

Aubrey from Made You Blush always seems to help in moments like this. Take a look and im sure she will give you guidance without even realising :)

Loving This...<3

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