Clashing Time

Ive been with my boyfriend for 9 months now, and I have read all over the internet that you shouldnt blog about loved ones. But I cant help but talk or write about him. Its like word vomit, anything and everything about him interests me. I could feel it today, a real Mean Girls moment when the words were forcing themselves out. I was at lunch with friends and talking about whats going to happen when we get to university, a sad conversation for all couples and friends but it has to be talked about. I could not stop talking and I could see that my friends were slightly confused. For me, my life for the next few years is pretty much set up; doing exams, getting results then going to University after hopefully getting the results I need. But I cant imagine my life without my boyfriend and my best friends - The Three Musketeers as we like to be known and all my other non college best mates so its hard not to talk about it. Ive got so used to my life at the moment and if im completely honest then im really happy! I am the usual clingy and lively girlfriend/friend who gets a teeny bit annoyed if my plans dont fit with everyone elses but that is what Clashing Time is all about. Trying to fit everything in with the little time I have! So the whole point of this post is that whilst I think about how life is about to change, I should try to remember how good life is at the moment!
I hope you all agree :)

Favourite Celebrity Outfit at the moment:
Zoe Saldana At The 'Avatar' World Premiere, London.
Dress by Roland Mouret.

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