30 Things I Want To Do ♥

After reading the lovely Laura's post on the 30 things she wants to do in life, I was inspired by her amazing dreams to start my own list...

  1. Write a book
  2. Dye my hair blonde
  3. Go to Italy (a slightly strange life-long dream :)
  4. Find the 'perfect' boy for me
  5. Own a room full of makeup (obsession, much?)
  6. Sing in public
  7. Write a song
  8. Move to America
  9. Become a Beauty Journalist
  10. Learn to do a flip
  11. Go on a road trip
  12. Start making YouTube videos
  13. Appreciate my real friends and forget the impersonators
  14. Learn how to play guitar
  15. Give to a charity
  16. Run a marathon
  17. Open a little shop, selling makeup, jewellery, sweets; all the amazing things in life
  18. Have a friend who lives in a totally different country
  19. Have the perfect Christmas
  20. Make a snow angel
  21. Meet Taylor Swift
  22. Go to a concert (Never been to one, sob sob)
  23. Eat a whole cake, all by myself, nom nom nom.
  24. Sleep under the stars
  25. Learn to cook something other than cheese toasties
  26. Visit Liverpool and pretend I'm a local
  27. Read every single teenage fiction book there ever was
  28. Don't let other's comments get me down
  29. Do well in my GCSE's
  30. Be HAPPY

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