
Finally, I have a Lush haul for you, my lovelies!

On a recent trip into town, me and my friend decided to venture into my much lusted after shop, Lush!

Some of you may know that recently I have become obsessed with checking out all of the Lush products and finding the perfect purchase for my very first Lush order. However, actually shopping in store is a lot different to lusting after products online, as everything smells so amazing!

One of the products that I thought it was a dead cert that I'd be picking up was the much raved about Snow Fairy Shower Gel, however after going and having a good sniff, I just could not summon up any enthusiasm for which was, in my opinion, an overly sweet and overrated scent, which was just not for me.

So, after the Snow Fairy disappointment, I was eager to look for other gorgeous smelling, soapy, bubbly balls of goodness. I have to add that the girls who helped me in Lush were absolutely lovely, and so sweet in helping a 'Lush Virgin' like me! I was so pleased to be treated in such a nice way in my first ever visit and they just made me want to go back to Lush over and over again!

So now what did I actually buy in Lush?

The Comforter Bubble Bar
This smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
The fragrant scent of this fills up my room and leaves my draws smelling good enough to eat.
Although I'm not really a bath sort of person I couldn't resist this, and upon using it last Sunday I was over the moon at the gorgeous smelling, bubbly pink bath it created!

 Cinders Bath Ballistic
I thought that this bath bomb would be perfect for use on fireworks night, with its smokey, cinnamon fragrance. I did in fact use it on Bonfire Night, and I loved watching the little surprises in this, however, I just can't get used to baths without bubbles, it just doesn't seem right to me!

Lip Dip
Nom Nom NOM NOM!!
This sherbet, cranberry and lemon flavour lip scrub tastes divine.
I know, I know, lip scrubs are not for eating, but I make an exception for this! Its also pretty good at being a real lip scrub, however for me the main feature of this is the taste, yum yummm!

♥ ♥ ♥

After my Total Lush Virgin post about the Lush products that I really wanted to try, in which I featured Lush Fresh Farmacy, the lovely Sabre Rose offered to send me her piece of unused Fresh Farmacy, what a sweetie :)

Fresh Farmacy 
 This pretty pink slab claims to be the perfect cleanser for helping get rid of spots. I've only been using it a week, so I cannot comment on its spot healing properties, however I can say it smells lovely!

Porridge Soap
The lovely girl also sent me a piece of this soap which has little porridge oats in it which exfoliates your skin, leaving you feeling soft and smooth.

This was the first of, hopefully, many more future Lush hauls!

Please excuse my stupid, non-focusing camera!

Has anyone got any recommendations for more Lush products to try? :)

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