As I have decided that I want to try to become more involved with my blog, 
I have invested in a Canon EOS D500. Otherwise known as 'my baby'. 
I got it two weeks ago and have just been playing around with it really! I took it to the Aussie Event but that was the first actual time I had used it so excuse the bad pictures! I tried my best! I have always been interested in photography and I wanted to invest in something conveniently before christmas so that I could get some help with the financial side from the rest of the family :) I do photography club at university and I am on the student newspaper for the photography and gigs section so I needed something simple for beginners but able to do pretty much all that is required.
I LOVE THIS CAMERA! Its so easy to use but also so gorgeous with every shot it takes!
I take such good care of it because I love it to pieces! And I really want to get some stunning images for my blog so that I can develop my posts as much as some of my favourite bloggers!
What camera's do you all have? 
Image above is not my own, from google images - its just pretty.

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