Aussie Hair Care Market 4th December

Now not all of you may remember, but I am an 'Aussie Angel'.
This is a title given to a small amount of bloggers to represent Aussie Hair Care.
On the 4th of December I went to London's La Danza Studios with my best friend Sam and Lucie for the Aussie Blogger's Market. Twelve lovely bloggers kindly put their skills to good use and set up stalls for all the rest of us to enjoy. The greatest thing was that it was my best mate Lucie's birthday so all got to have fun whilst having our hair and makeup done. We learnt how to flirt from top expert Elizabeth Clarke, how to turn our blogs into businesses, photography tips, how to be competitive bloggers and how to dress our individual shapes. It was such a fun day and I learnt so much to benefit my blog! We also left with some amazing photo-booth images and a goody bag as shown below! I will do a post on the hair products soon :)
I have been completely useless with keeping my blog up to date with everything I am doing due to university but now I am on my christmas break and I plan to keep right on track from now on :)
Thank you so much for the amazing day Aussie and I hope to go to another soon!
Please enjoy the very picture heavy post!
The current post on the Uncover Aussie website is a post about the day and there are pictures of some other great bloggers!

I went for a bit of an old glam/masculine style look so I wore:
- A simply white mums shirt pulled together with a primark black belt
- black leggings and a black elastic skirt
- black charity shop boots
- a black ribbon tied round my neck

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