Cheryl Cole

 Now I have to admit that when I heard that Cheryl Cole was heading out to America to do to X Factor I was a tad worried, as I simply thought that she would become even more over styled and plastic. She is such a stunning individual and like most celebrities, she no doubt would never look as good as she does now if it wasn't for a hard working team of make-up artists, hairdressers and most importantly clothing stylists. Here she is wearing a dress by Sonia Rykiel and after all the controversy about Cheryl's British style not making a big impact on the American audience, critics are saying that this look is her best yet. Simple colouring and pattern, a girlie up-do and a more natural make up look. Very unlike Cheryl's female co-host Paula Abdul who often comes out with some very adventurous outfits in an attempt to almost compete with the younger a completely different Cheryl. Although TV shows like the X-factor are still being reeled out like there's no tomorrow, I genuinely do hope that Cheryl does well out in the big harsh world of USA media.

And here's some of my favourite polka dot items from Oasis at the moment. I am loving denim with patterns right now and hope to try it out soon with my denim jacket or shirt.
Just so you all know there is a special LOOK Magazine 20% off deal on the website.

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