here we are again.

♥ Its officially half term here in England (thank the lord!) and I'm well over half-way through my GCSE exams! With 13 down and just 7 to go (the easy ones, thank god!) summer is literally within touching distance and I cannot wait. The exams are completely draining my energy, so I'm extremely thankful for a week off just to relax before they start again, full force! Most of the exams have gone well generally, except for a disastrous English Language exam where the exam board forgot to write a question on Love Poetry, leaving my whole year completely screwed, having to write any old random crap on Environmental Poetry! Shame on you AQA!

♥ Speaking of summer fast approaching, I am in desperate need of a summer job! All those ice creams, trips to the beach and holiday shopping do not come cheap and I am determined to find a good job sharpish! My dream job at this age would be in Boots or Superdrug or even the BodyShop, simply because I could ogle the makeup all day long- my idea of heaven- however my only offers seem to be coming from a dry cleaners and a pub... and all at absolute rock bottom minimum wage! So I'm still on the hunt for a fun job which actually pays over £3.64 (which transpires into just pennies after bus fare and lunch deductions!)

♥ I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! Since the exams started I've felt guilty even just reading through a few other blogs but now I have a bit of free time on my hands I seem to have a million ideas for new posts, so prepare to be inundated with posts next week! Also a lot of my friends seem to be starting to read my blog, which I am surprisingly cool with, so if I know you- hiii!

♥ In other news, I've been featured over on Em's lovely blog here, check it out if ya want!
Currently obsessed with Adele- Turning Tables, anything Conor Maynard covers and Sophie's Blog! 

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