Radio One's Big Weekend

Firstly I thought I would reveal the winner of my give away of the Lucy City' Espirit bag from The company kindly offered to sponsor a lovely give away and who could say no! I haven't had a give away in a while and I thought this was a perfect time to do one for all you lovely bloggers! After two weeks of the most hellish exams and lots and lots of hard work, they are all finally over and I've got the summer ahead of me.
The Winner is Rachella from The Only Fashion Princess who entered on 9 May 2011
I will be contacting her to let her know, but I just wanted to take the time to thank all the others who entered and all of those who visited my blog whilst the give away was active. I really appreciate it and all your effort and you guys keep my blog going!

Now unfortunately I was unable to attend this amazing festival in Carlisle as I could not get tickets, but I listened the whole weekend on BBC Radio 1 and I have to admit that my favourite performance was of course from the gorgeous Ellie Goulding. Some of you followers may know that not long ago I got the opportunity to photograph her at one of her performances. So obviously I am a great lover of her! I love gig photography so I will do another post of all the images soon! Please enjoy her gorgeous music from the BBC website below, I found this and smiled the whole way through!

Thank you so much to Ramz and the flock for the Stylish Blogger Award :)
Seven facts about myself are: 1. I write everything down because im so forgetful. 2. My closet most recently broke because I have too many clothes. 3. I'm addicted to the Simpsons. 4. I love watching Come Dine With Me even though I cant cook. 5. I always wish that I could play an instrument, 6. Steak is my favourite food. 7. I drink way too much coca cola!

As I just said, I have too many clothes, and here's my most recent bargain from Miss Selfridge for £20 in the sale. Matched with my favourite peach coloured flower necklace :)

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