Now that its nearing the end of the month, it means that a certain unfortunate event has come along.
My boyfriend has gone travelling to South East Asia and India for 3-4 months.
As you can all understand, this is not such an easy time for me. Two years together on Thursday 3rd March, and now 3-4 months without him. Non stop crying has commenced and the ice cream is being provided by the tub but overall I'm trying not to be too sad and trying to in fact distract myself with anything that I know I will enjoy whether its food, blogging, shopping, working etc. I feel as if a huge part of my little life has just been taken away and we will be going from every day contact and seeing each other once a week (uni sucks), to now not seeing each other for months and speaking maybe once a week. I love him with everything I have in me, and I know I am lucky to even have a boyfriend to begin with but it still hurts so much knowing that the one you love is on the other side of the world for such a long time and you cant see them until they're home.
I know that I want him to have an amazing time, and I am obviously incredibly jealous but at the end of the day, its an opportunity of a life time and you cannot say no to exploring countries unknown to us. When I saw this picture on I realised it explains exactly how I feel right now. So Guys, I am making sure that I am appreciating every moment of life but because of this, for a little while I may not post. But please realise its not because I don't love each and every one of you. I'm just trying to adapt to the new changes in my life and get back to my normal self.  Trying to be as positive as possible!

Can anyone help? Have any of you had to deal with a loved one going away for a long time? How did you handle it?

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