lets get cracking!

Ring from New Look (poor owlie is missing an eye):

After a bit of a lack of inspiration- nail polish wise- lately, today out came my big box of nail polishes I own, ready for a rejuvenation. After chucking out countless bottles of nasty, dried up gunk that I previously kept only on the grounds of '.. but their pretty!', I came across an old favourite, Nails Inc London. This gorgeous mauvey-taupe is a perfect soft, almost-spring colour, however on its own I felt it need a little bit more umph.

So, being the sneaky little sister that I am, I brought my lovely big sis Barry M Cracked nail polish for her birthday this week, and after a little blackmailing (with chocolate, of course ;) she agreed to let me have a little play. I actually really like the effect of just using Cracked on the one finger, rather than a whole hand, and wow, is this nail polish something unique or what!?

This week is half term, meaning that I have a whole week off, away from school. Well that's what they say anyway, but it hasn't stopped them from piling on the work. Its scary how speedily this year is going by. Being in Year 11, I only have about 8 weeks left of normal school, eeekk! After summer I'll be returning to the 6th form, I feel like I'm growing up so fast- scary!

Anyway, that's enough of the rambles from me, have a good weekend my loves! :)


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