prom practice makeup 1.0

Coastal Scents 88 Colour Palette, UD Naked Palette (Creep & Gunmetal), L'oreal Carbon Black Voluminous Mascara, Avon Supershock Gel Liner, NYX Peach Blush, Gosh Darling

With prom night looming ever nearer (30th June to be precise), I'm starting to panic about what makeup I'll be wearing on the all-important night! My dress is a dark purple-y colour with silver beading so I'm looking for something soft and shiny with accents of purple, a flawless base and nude-ish lips.

The look above was just a practise piece and is a little too blue-toned for my liking, although I'm hoping to do something reasonably similar but with more purple and mahoooosive false lashes... you know, for that 'natural' look ;)

I also really want to get MAC Face & Body foundation as a base for the event, however I'm hesitant to buy  as I will be getting a major spray tan a few days before prom- pale child that I am! But the downside is that I have no idea how tanned I will be so cannot predict the colour I will need for my base.

But in regards to being ready for prom, which is scarily only one month away... eeeek, I am feeling pretty damn ready! Dress- check, shoes- check, makeup- almost check, limo- check. The only things left on the to-do list are to alter the length of my dress (at the moment its about a mile long), figure out what exactly I'm doing for my hair and finally find a matching bag! Not much then...

sigma miss taylor kabuki & giveaway!

As part of the Sigma affiliate programme (which any bloggers can join here, if you want to), I was gifted the Miss Taylor Kabuki and also offered one to giveaway to my lovely followers!

The brush itself is a dense, synthetic haired kabuki, which blends in foundation beautifully! Its also the perfect handbag sized brush for quick on the go touch ups and the hairs are just so darn soft! The only downfall I feel to this brush is that mine seems to be shedding rather a lot after only 3 washes, but otherwise its definitely a lovely ol' brush!

So if you want to get your hands on one of the Miss Taylor Kabukis enter my giveaway! :)

♥ write me a comment below telling me your favourite things to see on my blog!
♥ follow this blog!
♥ this giveaway is open internationally and will close Sunday 12th June 2011!
♥ the winner will be picked at random from!
♥ for an extra entry tweet about the giveaway!
♥ for another extra entry do a blog post on the giveaway!
♥ please leave an email address so I can contact you if you win and your twitter/blog in the comments if you want the extra entries :)

Good Luck!

Red and Turquoise

Red Jeans: Zara. Necklace: H&M. Top: Zara. Blazer: H&M. Shoes: New Look. Ring: Primark. Glasses: Specsavers. Bag: Next. Scarf: Vintage
Here are some images taken from my most recent trip to London. I went for an interview for an Internship at Oasis PR Head Office and I GOT IT. I start next week and will be running around doing all the little tasks to help out the main team. I never expected to actually get an offer of a week there so I am completely over the moon. Oasis have just launched their new Vintage Range shown on the Oasis Blog. Take a look, its a gorgeous range inspired by the cast of 'Mad Men' and all things Summer; I especially love the waisted dresses in many designs of floral.
Also I would like to show you to my lovely Mother shown at the bottom. She is my everything, and she is the one that keeps me in place and I love her more than anything. If it wasn't for her then I would never have got to my interview so I owe her everything. I know its not mothers day or anything but I hope you all appreciate your mothers as much as I do mine. We are so close and I cant believe all the little things she does for me.

here we are again.

♥ Its officially half term here in England (thank the lord!) and I'm well over half-way through my GCSE exams! With 13 down and just 7 to go (the easy ones, thank god!) summer is literally within touching distance and I cannot wait. The exams are completely draining my energy, so I'm extremely thankful for a week off just to relax before they start again, full force! Most of the exams have gone well generally, except for a disastrous English Language exam where the exam board forgot to write a question on Love Poetry, leaving my whole year completely screwed, having to write any old random crap on Environmental Poetry! Shame on you AQA!

♥ Speaking of summer fast approaching, I am in desperate need of a summer job! All those ice creams, trips to the beach and holiday shopping do not come cheap and I am determined to find a good job sharpish! My dream job at this age would be in Boots or Superdrug or even the BodyShop, simply because I could ogle the makeup all day long- my idea of heaven- however my only offers seem to be coming from a dry cleaners and a pub... and all at absolute rock bottom minimum wage! So I'm still on the hunt for a fun job which actually pays over £3.64 (which transpires into just pennies after bus fare and lunch deductions!)

♥ I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! Since the exams started I've felt guilty even just reading through a few other blogs but now I have a bit of free time on my hands I seem to have a million ideas for new posts, so prepare to be inundated with posts next week! Also a lot of my friends seem to be starting to read my blog, which I am surprisingly cool with, so if I know you- hiii!

♥ In other news, I've been featured over on Em's lovely blog here, check it out if ya want!
Currently obsessed with Adele- Turning Tables, anything Conor Maynard covers and Sophie's Blog! 


Red is very on trend right now. Only today did I buy my first pair of red jeans from Zara. Over the past few weeks I have been trying to think about what other items would go with red jeans without looking too garish. What do you think? Any colour ideas to match with red such as blues or greens? Or keep it simple with more neutral colours such as whites and creams? Soon I'll show you how I made the red jeans work with simple key wardrobe pieces and bold colouring statements. At the bottom I have selected some of my favourite red items out at the moment and some images that I would love to own for over the summer season, but also selected some individual pieces that will last throughout the autumn/winter.

Aussie Fitness

Here we have some lovely videos from the gorgeous Aussie Angel people. It's about how to make you life lusciously lighter and although there was this whole huge confusion over some people thinking that Aussie was trying to say to people that they should lose weight and change their hair, Aussie actually were suggesting ways to energise yourself and empower your body and mind, and I cant wait to start this all. I will post something soon about how i'm doing so hopefully it'll be fun and I become lusciously lighter throughout life! Tell me what you think!

Now as the suns been out, my friends and I decided to make ourselves feel better with a picnic in the park. It just so happened that it was one of my friend's birthdays too! Tip number one from Clashing Time. Enjoy your free time.

Cheryl Cole

 Now I have to admit that when I heard that Cheryl Cole was heading out to America to do to X Factor I was a tad worried, as I simply thought that she would become even more over styled and plastic. She is such a stunning individual and like most celebrities, she no doubt would never look as good as she does now if it wasn't for a hard working team of make-up artists, hairdressers and most importantly clothing stylists. Here she is wearing a dress by Sonia Rykiel and after all the controversy about Cheryl's British style not making a big impact on the American audience, critics are saying that this look is her best yet. Simple colouring and pattern, a girlie up-do and a more natural make up look. Very unlike Cheryl's female co-host Paula Abdul who often comes out with some very adventurous outfits in an attempt to almost compete with the younger a completely different Cheryl. Although TV shows like the X-factor are still being reeled out like there's no tomorrow, I genuinely do hope that Cheryl does well out in the big harsh world of USA media.

And here's some of my favourite polka dot items from Oasis at the moment. I am loving denim with patterns right now and hope to try it out soon with my denim jacket or shirt.
Just so you all know there is a special LOOK Magazine 20% off deal on the website.


Orange lips are absolutely ma-hoooosive this summer and when I discovered Sleek's new True Colour Lipstick in Peaches&Cream, I couldn't wait to jump on the bright-lips bandwagon...

Words cannot describe how much I love this lipstick: soft, creamy, long-lasting... and most importantly- ORANGE!

You will not catch me stepping out of the house this summer without this little beauty slathered all over my lips for sure; orange lips are my new obsession, fact.

What are your thoughts on the tango-ed lip trend?

Radio One's Big Weekend

Firstly I thought I would reveal the winner of my give away of the Lucy City' Espirit bag from The company kindly offered to sponsor a lovely give away and who could say no! I haven't had a give away in a while and I thought this was a perfect time to do one for all you lovely bloggers! After two weeks of the most hellish exams and lots and lots of hard work, they are all finally over and I've got the summer ahead of me.
The Winner is Rachella from The Only Fashion Princess who entered on 9 May 2011
I will be contacting her to let her know, but I just wanted to take the time to thank all the others who entered and all of those who visited my blog whilst the give away was active. I really appreciate it and all your effort and you guys keep my blog going!

Now unfortunately I was unable to attend this amazing festival in Carlisle as I could not get tickets, but I listened the whole weekend on BBC Radio 1 and I have to admit that my favourite performance was of course from the gorgeous Ellie Goulding. Some of you followers may know that not long ago I got the opportunity to photograph her at one of her performances. So obviously I am a great lover of her! I love gig photography so I will do another post of all the images soon! Please enjoy her gorgeous music from the BBC website below, I found this and smiled the whole way through!

Thank you so much to Ramz and the flock for the Stylish Blogger Award :)
Seven facts about myself are: 1. I write everything down because im so forgetful. 2. My closet most recently broke because I have too many clothes. 3. I'm addicted to the Simpsons. 4. I love watching Come Dine With Me even though I cant cook. 5. I always wish that I could play an instrument, 6. Steak is my favourite food. 7. I drink way too much coca cola!

As I just said, I have too many clothes, and here's my most recent bargain from Miss Selfridge for £20 in the sale. Matched with my favourite peach coloured flower necklace :)

heat free hair; rollers.

This is the first post of hopefully many, in a series of heat free hair styling posts. As you may know, my hair has been on a major heat ban for more than a year now, and it has done my hair's health a world of good. So if your on a heat ban or just looking for ways to cut down the damage to your hair, I hope you like these posts.

First up is styling with hair rollers, as modelled by my lovely sister Sophie...

These rollers are two different sizes from Sally's Beauty Supplies. They were inserted into natural, dry hair, and in Sophie's very thick hair we used about 17 rollers, but if you have thinner/fine hair you may need a lot less. The best method of application I find is to start at the front and go down the middle and then apply to the sides, using about 2 inch sections for each roller. Leave for about 1 to 2 hours (longer for more effect) and if your feeling a bit naughty blast with a hair dryer (not that I'm encouraging breaking your heat ban, but if you do, use a heat protectant ;) and uncurl the rollers slowly from the hair so you don't lose volume.

Et voila...

...and your left with big voluminous hair.

Hope this helped in some way, and check back for more in the heat free hair series :)


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