This is what Summer is about.

I know this is meant to be a fashion and beauty blog, but sometimes things just have to change. When you have a feeling of inspiration you just have to go with it, you must enjoy and share all that is important around you and make sure others appreciate what they have too. 
 A while ago I went to an outdoor production of 'The Importance of Being Ernest' with my family. We had a picnic before hand and drank Champagne whilst munching on our healthy snacks that my Gran had brought for us all. Understandably this must sound odd to a lot of people, one. because this is England and there is hardly ever an opportunity to eat outside and two. because its not everyday that you get to see Oscar Wilde plays performed any more. The simple fact is that this day was perfect to me; having my family together all at one time, sitting in the sun shine, everyone with smiling faces and that the beautiful and hilarious script that Mr Wilde produced for us all that time ago is still being enjoyed today. Let me introduce to you my gorgeous family in all their glory, and the hideous picture of me at the bottom with food in my mouth as I'm smiling.

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