working girl.

Blazer - H&M; Shirt - Primark; Skirt - H&M

As some of you may know, for the past few months (starting frantically on the eve of my 16th birthday) I have been searching high and low for a job. I was sick of having to beg my parents for money when I ran out and I wanted my own source of income so I could work towards buying myself all of the things I could only ever dream of buying; a laptop, TV, iPhone and a car to name but a few... with maybe a few sneaky makeup purchases thrown in too, of course!

This being said, the job market is completely and utterly deserted at the moment, with jobs only popping up every few weeks and rejection letter after rejection letter coming into my inbox daily. I was about to give up in vain and accept that I was to become a hermit with no money for the rest of my life, when I finally got an email from Boots inviting me along to an 'assessment'.

In actual fact it was less of an assessment and more of a little chat and giggle with the lovely lady who interviewed me, which was a relief as previously I had been rehearsing answers to the dreaded interview question 'What can you bring to the store?'... to which my only answer was 'I am completely, 100% obsessed with all of your stock.'

Thankfully I got the job- hooray!- and I am now nervously awaiting my first day which should be next weekend. Boots has always been the place I've been desperate to work at since I was little, and I was over the moon at just getting an interview! I wore the little ensemble above to the interview, trying to exude the 'I'm a confident business woman' vibe and failing miserably! I randomly decided to wear my hair straight for the first time in about 2 years in an effort to look smart and I was surprised at how long it had grown. I'm not a huge fan of straight hair on me as I feel my hair is always in need of a little extra umph and volume, however on this occasion I did actually like my straight hair, and felt very sophisticated wearing uber-subtle makeup and swishing my poker straight hair into Boots!

I hope you have all had a lovely week, and if there are any fellow job hunters out there- good luck!


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