prom night!

The apparent 'biggest day of a girl's life except her wedding day'; Prom, was last Thursday, and although I don't buy into the great importance of Prom, it was an exceptionally good night! I've never been one to gush and dream about Prom, so while all my friends had been envisaging their outfits since Year 7, I only really got excited a few weeks prior to the event. Although my expectations weren't that high considering it was organised by school, I was pleasantly surprised as the venue was absolutely bloody beautiful, and after a minor mishap with a very late limo driver, the night was amazing!

UD Naked Palette; ELF Mineral Eyeshadow in Elegant & Confidant; Maybelline Gel Liner; Girls Aloud Kimberly Lashes; MAC Face & Body; Topshop Cream Blush in Head Over Heels; MAC Hue

I absolutely fell in love with my dress and it was actually the first dress I tried on in a tiny boutique in London (can't remember it's name!) so I figured it was meant to be mine! I also used my Babyliss Curling Wand to create these curls and brushed them out a little before I left, pining up some of the hair at the back with the help of my trusty Got2B Powder'ful!

Of course I had an uber spray tan a couple days before to banish my pale skin, and although I felt a little blotchy and orange on the day I have completely fallen in love with being tan, and am now on the search for an amazing self tanner!

The night was filled with food, a million pictures, gushing over how beautiful everyone was and way too much dancing; lots of fist pumping, a la Jersey Shore!

With prom being over also brings with it the official end to Year 11, which makes me so sad! Some of the people in my year wont be returning to 6th form so a lot of people I might never see again! Its a scary feeling when you realise time is going past way too fast and we only have 2 years left of being at my school until I have to leave and fend for myself in the big wide world...

But anyway, Prom is over and it is officially Summer!

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