lets vamp it up.

After picking up the beautiful Maybelline Gel Liner the other day, it has integrated into my daily makeup routine, displacing the old ELF Cream Liner that used to be my liner of choice. The Maybelline version is a lot creamier, easier to work with and also includes a lovely little brush which is perfect for creating a multitude of different lines.

I was recently inspired by the wonderful Lisa Eldridge and her liner in this tutorial of hers, and had a wee go at recreating the look myself:

By no means is my version anywhere near as perfect as Lisa's original but I absolutely adore this look! It almost reminds me of something Gaby from the TV show Made in Chelsea would wear, and I love how dramatic and bold it is!

In the picture above I paired it with Hue lipstick from Mac, so as not to draw too much attention away from the eyes, however I also had a little play with my Sleek OMG Lipstick...

Paired with red lipstick it looks a little 'vamp-ish' and my mother even referred to it as 'Mautitia Adams' type makeup!

Although this isn't exactly wearable for everyday I'm still in love with the idea of dramatic cat liner, and I really hope Maybelline come out with different colours in their new liner!

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