
 Firstly, I wanted to share one of my favourite songs right now. Although this is not a new song, I have been re-introduced to gorgeous female singers such as the delightful Corinne Bailey Ray, Lissie and The Pierces. Great songs for the summer and the long lighter evenings. Talking of that, it was in fact the longest day of this year today and it was lovely having the bright light sky outside and needing no lights on inside till late!

Secondly, I want to introduce you to the amazing company Biscuiteers. Whilst I was working at Oasis Press Office as an Intern the girls decided to send out these gorgeous hand-iced biscuits to a selection of bloggers as a way of advertising The New Vintage range they have just launched. Each biscuit was designed in the form of the new four dresses from their range that I showed you in a post I made a while ago. This collection of images below are taken of one of the boxes before it was sent out and hopefully you will have or will soon be seeing images on other peoples blogs. The company makes biscuits for all occasions and many businesses use them for gifts for their associates so I have taken some images from the website to show as examples. I thought it was a great and cute idea to give to the bloggers.

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