come on skinny love, what happened here?

Shorts: H&M, Cardigan: Primark, Shirt: Primark, Jewellery & Belt: Primark

♥ I wore this little outfit on a trip out to dinner with my family as an excuse to crack out these H&M shorts. I seriously love the pattern of these and how they are a bit more daring than I normally go for. Of course, the best part is that they look a little cow print-esque and cow things always seem to attract me... I may even have cow socks, cow pyjamas, and a cow bag, which I wore on a D of E hike and attracted rather a lot of unwanted attention from the resisdent cows in the area, opps.

♥ I only have 3 exams left- YESSSSSS! Finally, its almost over and all those months of blood sweat and tears (with a little revision thrown in) are almost over. I cannot wait to go out and celebrate and to be freeeeeeeeee!

♥ Is it just me, or is everyone's birthday in June!? I am completely skint from all the birthday pressies I have been buying recently, and am still on the hunt for a job, although I think I may actually be unemplyable haha!

♥ I'm currently obsessing over Skinny Love by Birdy, it is the most perfect song ever. The best thing about it in my opinion is that Skinny Love is a Vampire Diaries song, my absolute favourite programe in the world, ever... and I just discoved that Ed Sheeran covered it here, its ahh-mazing!
♥ If you haven't already, remember to enter my giveaway, it ends Sunday! :)

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