London Africa Fashion Week

One lovely Saturday I got on a bus and ventured to London for the day for fashion shows, croissants, bloggers, fashion designers, gorgeous people and lots of cameras. This was the first London Africa Fashion Week and I felt that it really showed all the stereotypical aspects of how people view African women and fashion, but also they showed the development of how African fashion has developed and how it has actually become very western in the shapes, designs and colour detail. The transformation of the old and the new was beautifully shown and each design was more exciting than the last. I met some amazing bloggers especially Emily from EmilyDivine  who I spent most of the day with, also some other gorgeous girlies! We all met at Patisserie Valerie where we were briefed on the day then set off ready for the 4 shoots throughout the day! So below is a selection of my favourite images, and trust me there were a lot more! I had to cut it down to this many and that was a struggle! The first image is purposefully unclear as the day was such a blur to me with all the smiles, chatting and colourful excitement.

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