boots girl.

So I started my job at Boots about a month ago... and so far I love it. Long hours, grumpy customers and sore feet aside, its a lovely store, with lovely people and even lovelier surrounding (makeup... ahem) and I can definitely see myself staying there a good while, although my bank balance surely isn't thanking me for it! Being surrounded by products all day makes me crave new makeup and skincare and haircare... and just about everything else. If anyone reading is looking into taking a job at Boots I would most highly recommend it:)

In other news...

I am being forced to read classics for my English A level summer work... kill me now. I have struggled my way through the Great Gatsby and am currently working on Emma, and have decided that I'm just not a classics type of girl.

I'm in love with my Sleek Blushes in Rose Gold and Pan Tao, shooooooo pweetttty! Ahem, all jokes aside these blushes are the (oh my.) and I can't get enough.

  ...and my final new obsession.. tumbrl! I love it! Follow my (rather lacking) blog here if you want to take a peep, although be prepared for a lot of TV quotes... they just make me giggle.

I'm off on holiday next week (woohoo!) to Spain so see ya laterz alligaterz.

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