
Last Thursday I attended the Create! Makeup Workshop at the V&A museum in London, which was basically a day filled with makeup, makeup and just a little bit more makeup. The artist leading it was Mel Winning, who is a fantastic makeup artist, and during the workshop we had a little look around the theatre part of the museum, had a talk on makeup artistry from Mel and had a chance to practise our techniques on each other...

a replica of Kylie Minogue's actual dressing table on her Showgirl tour.

I attended the workshop with one of my friends, Kelly, who is also completely obsessed with makeup, who let me do her makeup, if a little reluctantly ;)

Overall it was a fantastic day and I learnt so much about makeup and the industry and it has made me wonder a little more about actually going into makeup as a proper career...

The workshop was £15 and I would highly reccomend attending one of the Create Workshops if you are interested in makeup or fashion! 

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