Bargain Deals :)

So with my new scheme to try and wear everything already in my cupboard, I pulled out this LOVELY Topshop dress from last summer :) I bought it for £45 for a fancy dinner and my mates suggested I wore it yesterday and it turned out great!! :)

So after the hangover was gone, my mother and I went Charity bargain shopping and to one of my favourite art galleries called 'Kettles Yard' so here's my two new loves for a total of £6!!! £3 each :)

This bag is a darker brown colour then in the picture, and has a PERFECT amount of pockets inside it for all my belongings as seen above! I will be using it for college as I currently have lots of files and sheets to keep safe before stressful exam time.

My second item is a real leather purse for £3 in red. Neither of these items have brands but buying a real red leather purse for £3 was definitely a bargain when in a leather store afterwards, one very similar was £55!

Hope everyone has had a good day. Mine was relaxing then stressful and its ending with some New York Cheesecake :) Love to everyone.

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