LCB Kaba Photography

My friend Shaun from 
took some 'fashion photography' pictures last week for his college project. 
I wore a simple white top, gold necklaces and my new black harem pants.
For hair accessories I wore either the black head piece
or the red vintage scarf from the vintage fair.

Also Received the 'You're a doll' Award from
She has SUCH an amazing blog with amazing style tips and lovely clothes
Seriously check her out.
The rules are, you award it to six people then tell them about it and they post the same :)
The people I would like to give this award to:
Today, as it was mothers day we went off to my uncles with my mums side of the family 
and I got to look after my five year old cousin.
She is so cute! And I loved being around a little one like this :)
She wanted to play all day long and completely exhausted me but still fun!
Love my mum so much and she had a great day which made me happy!

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