Better Days

So as I am feeling this way, I thought I would listen to a good old song that although fits with the emotions I'm feeling, it kinda cheers me up :)
“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together." — unknown
So today was pretty hard again, no surprise there. 
I went out last night though and had a pretty good night!!
My best friend Sarah decided to take me out and cheer me up :)
I wore:
Next Lace Top
Sarah's Nude Body con Skirt (which i bought off her!!)
Primark black and nude heels
And of course a little black flower :)
I watched an amazing programme today called 
'Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance'
She met a girl called Bronwyn...
"Jo also meets eleven-year-old Bronwyn: a girl who hates her appearance so much she is unable to lead a normal life. Bronwyn cries daily about the way she looks and compares herself harshly to celebrities in magazines. She now refuses to leave the house without spending two hours putting on makeup and mum Emma has no idea how to cope."
She wore a full face of makeup out the house everyday and finally was shown that just washing her face is the perfect way to look! I cant believe how insecure some teens are now a days! Times have changed so much since I was 11 and thats not even that long ago!! I really hope that one day in the future I will be able to help the confidence of many young girls go up :)

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