Much needed spending ban soon :)

These are my LOVELY new leggings from Topshop named DIGITAL DENIM FLORAL LEGGINGS Price: £22.00. Just thought I would show you, so that you can see my new lovely purchase :)

Also thought I would tell you about the Cambridge Vintage Fair that I went to on saturday before work, nice and early! Im sure lots of Cambridge bloggers will be posting about it! Got these lovely lovely lovely pink shoes with gold buckles for £16 from a company called 'Genuine Leather' and I love them. They are in a size 4 but fit pretty well :) I have worn them everyday since i got them :) 

Then I got this cute neck scarf for £4 which I have wrapped around my brown faith bag :)

As you can tell by this post, my weekend has been very 'lovely' and today was 'lovely' avec the boy, so hopefully this will continue :) Also repeated photoshoot for my friend tomorrow. Will post the pictures hopefully on wednesday :)

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