Clashing Time Anti-Bullying

Right, I have decided that I am sick of some horrible people making rude comments on my blog and on some other people's blogs that I follow.

So therefore I have made a new blog called PLEASE follow it and show your support. Also take the logo link on the page and put it on your page to add to the support.

It is a blog made for bloggers to comment on and tell their stories, and then every so often I will do a post to explain to everyone a particular story after interviewing them. I got these comments below posted on my blog yesterday and they really hurt me, so this is the beginning of it all and also an example of what people can be like, Hopefully you can realise from the below, how upset I got and how much they hurt a large amount of people for just simply doing something they love. EVERY blogger out there, if you are feeling generous, then I would love you if you did a small post on this idea/link so that we ALL really can get awareness out there to all! And make sure that the self confidence of every blogger is growing rather then not. Please comment below if you will be doing this so that I can put your blogs on the website advertising your blogs also. Win win situation.

Pete: a penny for... shut the fuk up?
10 Mar 10, 11:37 PM
dan: felix that is not funny... its hilarious
10 Mar 10, 11:36 PM
Felix: i think it would be funny if you put some ugly fat pictures up... oh wait...
10 Mar 10, 11:35 PM
Felix: never seen so much sh it in my life
10 Mar 10, 11:35 PM
Felix: your a joke
10 Mar 10, 11:34 PM
Felix: i think it is ****ing hilarious

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