Charity, Ebay and Recycle

So the bags to the side (that are in fact bigger then they look) are FULL of clothes in which I am giving to charity. Now, I'm not wanting to come across all high and mighty about being charitable but you wouldn't believe how good I felt when thinking about how other people would benefit so much more from my unloved clothes more then my old wardrobe does! I gave away dresses, shoes, tops, jeans...lots of it! And all in good conditions! My mother and I decided that things need to change and due to my major obsession with buying clothes, I needed to sort out the old ones first! So I set up an Ebay account as many of you may know, and decided to give all the other items to recycling companies and charities. Of course that sounds bad, that I want to make a profit over being charitable, but some of the clothes I have bought over the two years I have been working in Topshop are pretty expensive and also have only been worn once or twice! And in a way should be given back to the store! HA. Every few months, I give a large amount of things to charity when I have to do a big clear of my room, and in a way, I feel that I should get at least a little something back from the VAST amount of money I spend each year on clothes. So hopefully everyone will see that I'm not being selfish but instead, truthful. So after my MASSIVE clear up, my mother decided to do a swap around of my room and I came home to find this!! So neat and tidy now and will definitely be having a good nights sleep :) Looking forward to getting NEW PROPER cupboards, like I spoke of a while ago...and getting BIG mirrors put up in the gaps :) Lots of future outfit posts will come from these :) Happy Day!


AND did another shoot today, which will hopefully be to all your liking...will post on thursday once the amazing photographer Caitlin has finished with them :) Going to another University Day at my first choice UEA tomorrow, and SO excited :) Wish me luck! Should be a good day out with the mother :) NO more clothes bought! Well maybe one or two things :P

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