Aussie Haircare

Recently, I got this cute little T-Shirt from the lovely ladies at Aussie Haircare Angels.
The 'Lusciously Light' products are all about improving your hair and making it glossy and light as the name suggests. A while ago the Angels sent us a balloon asking if we would rather have a 'lusciously lighter self' or 'lusciously lighter hair style', for months ahead, I picked 'self'. With this top we got a letter explaining how we are going to receive a selection of videos on how to get a lighter you through exercises and tips in the home to keep you motivated. This is exactly what I need right now, with exam stress, boyfriend being away for another two months and being short in funds due to university. So throughout the journey I will try to keep up with posts of how I am doing and hopefully you will see some of my other Angels keeping it up too! Wish us luck :)

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